𝟙𝟚||Pack Bonding

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Sammy's POV

yesterday I and Damon talked and well, it went...


he was crying the whole time and not to sound like a bad guy but he was acting as if he was an omega that just got rejected by their mate. and it's funnier because I was the one that was rejected and he can't feel it.

I hadn't seen Micah the whole night and I'm certain he was being a goof somewhere else and that's where the idea of bonding with pack members came from because I would need to at least be comfortable around them and besides, they weren't all from my pack but other packs as well.

I started talking to all of them a slowly getting to know their names. A young omega named Frankie had been mistreated by his pack but he was accepted by his mate which is lucky. I spent time talking to him and I could see that he was fit to behold the task I would give him not a few months from now, his heart is pure and he is strong no matter who would pull him down so he is the right candidate, even Micah agrees to cause he can see his heart is pure.

I then went on to talk to the witches followed by enchanters, then the other supernatural creatures.

everyone was shocked to see me conversing since I'm always cold but I was now trying to at least be tolerable if I were to become king of all species

the only pack I did not bother to associate myself with was my old pack cause I was nowhere ready to, but I needed some sort of communication so I decided to just speak to the delta, gamma, head warrior and 2 of the pack members cause they seemed to run the pack along with alpha and the beta

I was talking to them and I soon warmed up to them. They were funny and positive and they were like a pillar to each other's characters

they were shocked to see me but I talked to them and in a space of 7 hours we were acting like best friends who knew each other from birth. yes I did show them my funny side and I trust them all even more cause they knew not to call me luna but my name instead, Micah soon joined into the conversation and for the whole time I was struggling to cover my laughs so they only came out as shaky sighs until Maya broke the dam

I couldn't stop laughing and they all looked in awe

"what, "I asked curiously yet amused by their faces

"nothing it's just, your laugh and your smile, their beautiful." silva said

"no their not" I frowned, I hate compliments cause I feel like they are all fake

"Sammy, don't think so low of yourself, everyone is staring at you because we all feel your happiness practically radiating, and its as though every species considers you their luna, you practically calmed us all down," he said

I looked around and everyone was smiling brightly whilst looking at me as if I were a god and I instantly realized it was because I'm a royal wolf so my happiness is bound to make others happy as long as they consider me a friend or someone special.

and it seems as though everyone already liked me

but obviously, they were a few that had negative feelings in their hearts. I could feel it

but I would soon make them see what grave mistakes they are making


hey guys so I was wondering how y'all are doing, hope you're keeping yourselves locked in your bedroom with snacks and movies like I am, I'm literally to scared to greet my siblings cause of this coronavirus. And also if you see the name kevin just know its meant to be Damon and im just used to writing kevin cause of my other book. "Why can't I fix it?" because im too lazy to actually fix my mistakes

what do you think about this book guys cause I honestly need your opinions 

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