𝟚𝟝||Micah's true identity

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Micah's scythe

Damien's POV

The moment the demons attacked the fighters were already by the border, killing as many demons as they can with more ease than the first time

we were hitting them left and right, killing any that dared to pass within ten feet of the border, none of them were to escape our mercy for killing those innocent lives. We were all about to finish them off when more demons arrived along with witches that looked powerful but we also got an upgrade

"you will all fall today" The witch smirked and I watched my beta and gamma smirk

"try your best "silva smirked and he released his aura

I was shocked, His power was immense and would make his power rival that of a powerful alpha

"How did you get that powerful, "The witch asked clearly shaken

I was too so I waited for his answer then he said

"That is for you to find out sooner or later, and it won't be the easy way"

"you won't be able to stop our gamma," a Damon said and I released my aura

Way more powerful than the gamma causing the ground to shake and all our enemies to look at me with fear in their eyes and they stepped back

"Y-you ca-, you can't stop us even if you are powerful, you are 2 and we are many, so say your last words Alpha king," they said

then sixteen witches appeared and trapped us in spells. I was about to rip them when I heard max and silva say through the mind link

'wait and let them think they have power over us they said simultaneously

I looked at them and they just nodded and told the rest of the pack to do the same because it would make them talk faster

they all started laughing and the demon's leader, who I assume as the harbinger started talking

"you said you would kill us and look we caught you with a simple spell. You might have put up a fight but you're weak against lucifer.

Yes our Lord is working with someone more powerful than him, someone who will bring evil into this world. They say she would be stronger than Vaaton himself

she gave us all a boost of power, she knows all your weaknesses and she knows all of you and speaking of which she said I could have a man named Sammy Lockwood as a price" I growled loudly at that but silva told me to wait a little longer in my head

Who could be stronger than Vaaton, the father of Darkness himself?

"Mm he must be your mate then alpha bitch" he started walking around till he stood in front of Sammy and he lifted Sammy's jaw and leaned in till I growled it shook the area, making everyone step back and the witch did the same but he went back and leaned in

"you must be Sammy judging by his loud growl," the witch said

"you are quite handsome, she said you would be ugly but you making my heart melt already, wait till I have you moaning and panting right under me with my cock right in your tight virgin as-"

'now silva' said and I broke the barrier spells and everyone followed suit

the witches and demons stepped back in fear

"you fooled us," a demon said

we started fighting again then something strange happened to our enemies

"very menoa abr daiet,andlát baní dauthí freohr" (mother of darkness gift us with power) the witches chanted

immediately all the demons turned black and started attacking faster and swifter, I changed into my true form and it lessened a bit but the other was having a hard time. I looked to see Sammy still in the barrier and studying something

"How did they get more powerful," Nick asked

"your so-called mother possesses the goddesses crystal of creation doesn't she"Sammy said an I looked at him to see what he was talking about whilst the others seemed shocked

"you mean the shard that was used to-"silva was cut off by Micah

"yes which shows why they have power, whoever found it is evil and we can't waste another second here," Micah said and immediately a powerful aura surrounded us making me bow my head. We all felt the aura retreat and we looked in shock except Sammy, max, Lucian, and silva probably cause the mark to show you who they are and their power shares with you.

that's why he got immensely stronger I said to myself

he was beautifully covered in a tight white uniform that made his featured show, a tight black belt showing a symbol i had never seen before. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and had flowers around it. His wings were a mixture of gold and silver, showing how powerful he was and on his head was a silver crown which had a line of gold sparkling by the center

he truly was powerful, and I could see silva drooling and he whispered beautiful which everyone heard cause Micah blushed

"witches and demons, I hereby strip you of your powers, today you will die," he said, and immediately the glow they had disappeared and Micah raised his hand high

a huge scythe came out of thin air and its huge size and glow scared me

It was more powerful looking than my own scythe

the power radiating was powerful.

"kill them all and make sure no one survives," he said and with that, we charged into battle,

knowing we had already won it

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