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It has now been four years since David made his Formula 1 debut.
He is now a well established and respected driver on the grid, and very well liked by fans.
He, as well as his teammate Logan Sargeant, have also won a handful of races and gotten on the podium many times.

But there was a problem...
David felt like there was something was missing in his life.
As much as he loved Formula One, he was still a content creator at heart and he missed doing what he loved most. He had talked to Natalie about his situation but she only told him it was his decision to make and his alone.
This dilema is what led him to, of all places, Denmark.

"So, what was it you wanted to talk to me so badly about again?" Kevin asked as he began lowering the sail on his sailboat.

Kevin had picked David up from the airport and after a nap and a quick lunch, they set out for a cruise on Kevin's sailboat. Kevin seemed happier since his retirement. He still competed in Motorsport, but the lack of constant traveling allowed him to spend more time at home.

"Not that I don't appreciate the visit, but couldn't this be discussed over Skype or something?"
"This is too important. I love Formula One and racing but... I miss making videos for my fans. I miss doing my true passion."

Kevin suddenly stopped winching the sail and looked at him.
David could tell he knew immediately what was up.
"Hm... I see..." Kevin finished lowering the sail and after throwing the anchor overboard, took a seat across from him.
"Yeah... I think I understand now."
"How did you know when it was time to quit?" David asked.

Kevin sighed. "My wife can't be with me everywhere. She doesn't like the constant traveling so she stays home most of the time. She would fly out to a few races here and there but that was about it. Me personally, I knew it was time to quit when my wife called me one day saying she missed me and that home wasn't the same without me there with her. Add on the fact that there are still things that I wanted to do in life beyond Formula One and it was a pretty easy decision to make."

"I've talked to Natalie but she refuses to give me an answer, she says it is up to me to decide. What should I do?"

"I'm sorry David but I can't tell you that.
I have to agree with your girlfriend on this one, you have to make this decision on your own. I know it sounds super cliche, but you have to follow your heart and do what you feel will bring you the most happiness. I spent eleven years in Formula One. Me leaving wasn't because I was too old or past my prime, I was just content. I left because I was ready and because I knew doing something else would ultimately bring me more happiness. Now you have to ask yourself... are you ready?"

David nodded but didn't answer.
Kevin started setting up two fishing poles and other equipment, but stayed silent, letting David think over what he had told him.
After about twenty minutes, the silence was finally broken.
"Thank you Kevin, I think I know what I want to do now."

Kevin gave him a kind smile. "Great! Now grab that fishing pole over there and help me catch some fish. The wife said that if I was going sailing I could at least catch us a cod or two for dinner."

David laughed and joined his friend at the side of the boat.

David Dobrik - A Change of Scenery... and Pace?Where stories live. Discover now