Chapter 4/ Art

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Zayns P.O.V



It had been a few days since the bullying episode, and I hadn't seen Niall or Louis. I don't have classes with either of them. We only have four, two hour classes a day called blocks.

I was in forth block, which was advanced art. I didn't really know anyone in that class, but thats okay. It was ART, I could sit and draw for more than an hour. All the teacher, Ms. Brit, did was tell us to be creative and have fun. She was an older women of about 60 and just took a completion grade on whatever we did by the end of class. We rarely did projects or anything so it was an easy A. Plus it was my last class of the day.

"Ms. Brit!" Someone yelled coming into the classroom. I didn't know her but I've seen her before. She is supposed to be pretty and popular but I don't see it. She just looks like a huge Barbie to me. I just ignored her and continue to sketch like I was doing before she came in.

"You have a new student! Well he's not new, he's just transferring to this class but anyway," She was still yelling "His name is Niall Horan." My head snapped up just as Niall walked through the door looking down at the floor like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

He stayed up at the front of the room while the girl talked the the teacher. I guessed he was waiting on instruction as to where to go.

Ms. Brit walked over to Niall and touched his shoulder lightly to get his attention. I saw him visibly flinch at the touch. Yet she didn't tell him to sit down or anything.

"Okay class! Today was the perfect time for a new student to come in because today we are switching up our assigned seats." Ms. Brit practically beamed. We sit at actual tables of two in her class.

Thank God! Right now I sit next to this girl who stares at me the entire class. It was getting really creepy and I'd be happy to move anywhere else.

We all stand up and she placed everyone in their new seats, but leave Niall and I standing.

"And lastly, you two at the back table." She said pointing at Niall and I. We obey and sit in the back.

I looked over at Niall to see him staring at the teacher absently. Why did he get transferred? That usually doesn't happen in the middle of a semester.

"Now I bet you are wondering why I put you in new seats. Well we are going to do a project." Everyone in the class groans. "Now, now it won't be a hard project in fact I think it will be fun for you guys. You and the person next to you will need to learn a bit more about each other. Then you will each turn in a canvas painting describing your partner. Use a lot of colors. Since class is fixing to end we will work on this next week and the week after." She said brightly. Then the bell rang signaling the end of class and school.

I gathered my things and stood up. I saw Niall do the same.

"So I guess we are partners..." I began to say. He just nodded slightly. "Um alright I guess I'll see you next week then." I smile. He nodded again and left. I grabbed my things and left too.

I headed out of the school building and down the road home. Me and the boys don't always walk together going home. In fact we usually walk home alone. We see each other all the time at home anyways.

I slip in my headphones and listen to music while thinking. How can I get him to talk to me? I mean he has to because of the project right? Maybe I could talk to that Louis kid? He would probably know what's wrong. I know one thing, I'm making it my mission to find out.

When I got home I threw off my jacket and plopped myself down not caring where my jacket landed. I was to mentally and physically tired. I turned on the TV ready for an afternoon of laziness.

"Zayn!" I heard someone shout, then heard the front door slam shut.

"In here!"

Harry and Liam come around the corner into the living room where I was watching television. I looked over at them. Harry was fidgeting nervously and was avoiding my gaze. What's that about?

"U-ummm I-I kinda s-sorta... basically ...h-have to tell you guys s-something..." Harry stuttered before coming into the living and sitting next to me, Liam sitting on the other couch.

"Whats up mate?" Liam asked. Harry just looked down at his fingers, playing with them.

"You know what never mind. I know you guys will feel different about me. It's not that important." Harry said and started to get up. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down.

"You know we would never judge you Harry. What happened?" Liam said staring at Harry

After a few minutes of silence I could see Harry's eyes start to tear up. "I-I-I-I'm G-g-gay."

Liam and I glanced at each other in surprise, then looked back at Harry.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked

"Y-yea, I've known for around 2 years now." Harry stuttered still not looking up. I could see a tear or 2 roll down his face.

I'm still staring at him in shock. How can he be so sure? I've been questioning my sexuality for a while now. I just don't feel very attracted to girls any more. I shake my head to clear the thoughts. No! I need to concentrate on Harry right now.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" I said then gave him a hug since he was right beside me.

"B-because I thought you might feel weird living with a gay..." Harry said. I could see more tears going down his face.

"We would never feel that way! Your like a brother to us!" Liam said before going over and giving Harry a hug too. He then sat on the armrest beside him.

"Thanks guys. You have no idea how good that feels to get that off my chest." Harry said finally meeting our gazes.

"No problem mate!" Liam said getting of the couch. "Now who wants to watch a movie."

"As long as its not 'Toy Story'..." I mumbled. He gave me a glare before running into the kitchen for what I'm guessing popcorn.

"So anyone caught your eye?" I asked elbowing Harry in the ribs.

"No..." He replied. I would have believed him if he didn't have a light blush displayed across his face.

"Well you can always talk to me about anything." I replied letting the topic go. He will break down eventually and tell me.

"Thanks." He smiled. Liam came in the room then and we started watching a movie. Today turned out to be really eventful. I wonder what will happen next week?


Heyyyy so thanks for reading! I hope you liked it!

I don't know if the last note posted or not but if you want to be Liam's girlfriend post a bio in the comments. If no one posts by Wednesday the 28th, then I will either make one up or he won't have one.

Sorry there wasn't much Ziall action BUT they have to build up a trust and stuff so believe me it's coming up:)

First person to comment will get the next chapter dedicated to them


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