Chapter 7/ Questions

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A/N I'm going to start putting notes up here. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I'm having like no Ziall feels! Ugh so sorry if this is bad :/ oh and be sure to check some of the previous chapters. I updated this really late so please excuse any grammar mistakes. I hope this chapter is longer. I don't know if it is cause I update on my phone and cant tell. I dedicated them to some of you commenters! From now on I'm dedicating chapters to my FAVORITE commenter!:) 5,ooo reads!?! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!<3

Zayns P.O.V


Standing directly in front of Niall made me realize he was dead asleep. So I decided to quietly wake him up so I wouldn't scare him.

"Niall." I called gently touching his shoulder. He shot up now wide awake.

"Sorry I forgot you had a hurt shoulder!" He merely shrugged in response to my outburst.

"So why are you out here? Aren't you cold sleeping outside?" He again shrugged off my questions and stood up. He definitely wasn't wearing enough clothes to be outside. He was wearing only a jumper, jeans and converse.

"Why won't you talk to me?! Don't you trust me by now?" I questioned trying not to yell.

Niall looked at the ground.

"Please just trust me I want to help." I begged

He pointed down the road to where I knew many shops were, then started walking out of the park down the street toward them. I quickly followed. He lead us to a small cafe' down the street about 30 minutes from the park.

The cafe' looked warm and was decorated in red modern furniture and marble flooring. Though it still had a cozy feel.

Niall led us to a small booth in the back. There was practically no one in the place besides an old couple, but they were all the way in the front of the cafe'.

We quickly sat down. I usually would get a coffee or something, but I really wanted to know what Niall would say so I didn't think to much about it. Next, Niall reached into his pocket and pulled out a very rumpled piece of blank notebook paper. He then quickly started to jot something down. After he was done he handed it to me. It read:

'Zayn, thank you for all you have done and I guess you have a few questions? Well I guess you have earned about 10. That's all I'm going to give you because even though I'm sure your a nice person; we haven't really known each other but a few weeks. I believe in time I can trust you with more? Maybe... I have a few trust problems. Count that as a freebie:)'

Niall is going to give me 10 answers? What should I ask first out of all my questions? Suddenly a question popped in my mind. "Where did you get your shoulder wound from? Who gave it to you?" I asked

He scribbled answers on his paper and gave it to me. 'In the alley you found me in. of people from my past that don't like me. 8 more questions'

I was shocked. Who dislikes him enough to do that? "When you were getting bullied that day I found you, was that the first time they hurt you?" I questioned remembering the day I learned his name. He looked so sad and lost that day.

'No.' He wrote in his paper.

"Do you get bullied a lot?" I continued

'Kinda.' Was all he wrote. His short responses were only leaving me with more questions! I only had 5 left though! I had to think carefully.

"What are the names of the people who bully you? Is it more serious than a little bullying?" I questioned trying to contain my anger. Getting angry wouldn't help anything. All I wanted to do was kill the people who hurt my Niall. Wait my Niall? What?!

I felt the poking of the paper on my elbow from where Niall slid it and quickly looked down at it. 'Yea it can be described as a bit more than bullying. I'm honestly terrified to tell you there names. Ill just say a few go to our school.' It read.

What is that supposed to mean? I think Niall might be in some serious trouble.

"Will you be able to trust me with your bigger secrets soon? Why won't you talk to me physically? Will you eventually?" I questioned letting out a small sigh of despair knowing that if I asked him bigger questions that he wouldn't answer me clearly. I was dying to know more about his past though! I will get him to trust me. I was also kind if afraid to ask why he was sleeping outside.

He passed the note to me. 'I was made fun of when I was a kid for my accent. I might tell you the story one day. I might decide to talk again if I can get this stupid accent to go away. I hope I'll be able to trust you.'

I looked up at him after reading note and smiled sadly. The thought of him getting bullied as a child made me even sadder than I already was.

Niall stood ready to leave. I wanted to question him a lot longer, but I knew I couldn't because of our deal.

As he spun around to leave I quickly called out. "What kind if accent do you have?" He turned back around and sadly shook his head. Well it was worth a shot. Niall gripped the piece of paper in his hand harder and headed for the door. Before he left I quickly yelled "I will get you to trust me Niall! You'll see!"

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