Chapter 5/ Trust [part 3]

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Zayns P.O.V

Niall carefully pulled down the edge of his shirt. Which was weird looking because you could defiantly tell it was backwards now. I guess he took it off and put it back on? But wait why?

What I saw made me take a huge gasp of air. Which in turn made me have a tiny coughing fit. I calmed down and just gaped at his left shoulder that he was so openly showing me. His shoulder was purple and some shades of green with bruises. Engraved in those bruises was the word 'fag'.

"Oh my god! Let me go get the emergency kit!" I yelled and ran into the kitchen as fast as I could. I hurriedly threw open the cabinet that held our medical supplies. "Niall would you like to come in here where it's more comfortable?!" I offered kindly wanting him to feel as welcome as he could in practically a strangers house. I heard footsteps and soon saw Niall's blonde hair come around the corner of our kitchen. He turned one of the chairs around and sat down.

I took out some antibiotics, peroxide and healing ointments for bruising and set them on the table behind him.

"Alright show me the spot again." I commanded already getting the peroxide ready. He obeyed pulling his shirt down again. The blood from his cuts had already dried up but it could still get infected, so I went ahead and put some on anyway. He squirmed a little when I put the other medicines on.

"Am I hurting you? I'm sorry!" I apologized quickly when I felt him tense.

I finished and walked back over to the open cabinet. Then grabbed a bandage to wrap around his wounded shoulder. After that I heard a phone vibrate. It was Niall's. He pulled it out of his pocket. I unnoticeably looked over his shoulder at the text. It read:

From Lou: 

Hey detention is over. I'm heading home now. Did u make it home ok?

Niall responded:

From Ni: 


From Lou: 

What happened? Where r u? R u ok?!

From Ni: 

Yea I'm at a guy named Zayns house. Could u pick me up?

From Lou:

At Zayns? text me the address ill b over in a min

Niall did so, then shut his phone. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. Why would he talk to Louis and not me? Well duh Louis and Niall are obveously close. He said something about trust. Maybe I can prove to him that I am trustworthy....

"So Niall what happened?" I questioned calmly not wanting him to run away or something. He stared at me for a minute with glassed over eyes, before looking back at the floor.

"Come on you can tell me." I smiled. He just reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He then started writing on it. When he was done he gave it to me. It read: 'thank you for the medical attention, but I'm not someone you want to get to know... You could get hurt. I can't drag anyone else in...'

Wait what? I couldn't even ask a question before Niall was out of his seat running for the door. I quickly sprinted after him.

He had his hand on the door handle but I quickly put mine on the door and wall beside it trapping him and holing the door closed.

"What if I don't care about that stuff."I whispered softly into the air. He let a deep, shuddery sigh escape his lips before looking over his shoulder at me. His eyes had an almost unreadable look to them, but I could read the main two. Sadness and confusion. "Please just tell me." I begged.

A honk was heard from outside. I released my hands from the wall. "Know that you can tell me." I whispered. He looked over his shoulder one last time, gave me a small smile, then opened the door and ran outside to his awaiting ride.

"What was all that noise about." Liam said coming down the stairs yawning. I turn around slightly startled. He had on his pajamas so my guess of him sleeping was probably right.

"I don't know." I responded I don't know but I'm getting closer to finding out... 

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