"Yoongi appa sick!" Said Hoseok as he ran to the older.

"He needs sleep Hobi" Yoongi stated bluntly.

Hoseok pouted at his brothers lack of concern.

He ran back and started watching his baby brother and Appa.

Namjoon would cough ever so often which wracked his body with pain.

His chest was sore from the coughs, which made his feel worse.

Jungkook was able to sleep right through it all, he too was sweating a bit and tossed in his spot trying to get comfortable.

Thank god Jin was coming home today.

Meanwhile Jin was waiting for the plane to take off.

He was feeling anxious about his husband and his baby's condition.

He wanted to cry at how heartbreaking it was to see Namjoon and Jungkook so miserable.

To distract himself he tried to nap on the plane.

The plane ride was not a long trip but it helped ease his mind for the upcoming storm.

The storm being a sick husband and 2 year old, making his two 4 year olds make up, giving more attention to his 5 year old while taking care of the sick ones and finally a 6 year old with an attitude.

Yep, he definitely had a storm waiting for him at home.

He could already feel the headache coming on.

The plane ride seemed to last for ages.

Once the plane had landed he had gotten off the plane and called a taxi.

God knows what would happen if Namjoon even attempted to drive in his condition.

After about 10 minutes of waiting,  Jins taxi had finally arrived to pick him up.

He anxiously got inside there taxi and told the driver his address.

The traffic just so happen to be extra bad today.

In general,  traffic was a bit backed everyday but on a given day,  it was somehow worse.

Today happen to be a chosen day,  just Jins luck.

Jin tried to call Namjoon several times, only getting a voicemail everytime.

"Hello this is Kim Namjoon, leave a message and I'll get to you as soon as possible!"

Jin groaned,  why was all this misfortune happening?

Especially in this time of distress?

Traffic finally let up, altering the rest of the ride home go smoothly.

One they arrived the driver apologised for the inconvenience and helped Jin get his bags.

Jin paid and thanks the driver before entering the home.

The house was an absolute mess!

Toys littered the entire house.

All the kids (except poor little kook) rushed to the door and greeted Jin was a tsunami of hugs.

He smiled and greeted them while quickly rushing to the sick ones.

Stickers were all over both Namjoon and Jungkooks face.

"Who put these here kiddos?" Asked Jin while examining them.

"I did papa! They help them feel better because stickers make me happy when I sick!" Cheered Hoseok.

Life In Pictures | Book 2 | [ Namjin Family ] Where stories live. Discover now