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(N/a) remembering that with each chapter, it will be like you're inside their heads. Now it's Tae's and next it's jimin's etc... to give a context.

     They say that in love, nothing is done, everything happens. Being dramatic and believing that waiting for the love of your life comes to nothing, is my logic. Believe me or not.

— Tae... are you writing again? It is the third time just today. — Jimin is my partner, brother or whatever name you think is cool for best friends, soul brothers.

— I wrote about you, will fight or praise me?

— If it is there that I am the most beautiful guy on the planet, I accept. — Of course, Jimin is all that and more, it just isn't necessary for me to always feed his ego. There is only justification when I see that he is crestfallen and sad with himself. People tend to feel ugly when they are really beautiful. This is Jimin. Almost never, but it is. — Could you take me to the blackout today, would it be too much to ask?

     The blackout is a party room, sometimes stripper and drinks, where many people meet to have fun. It is not a place well seen by the city, due to the extravagant content and the freedom you get when you are inside. What does not prevent the blackout from being the most visited place by foreigners, the people of this city still remain reserved.

— I thought Namjoon was renovating it. — I leave my notebook on the bed and go to the kitchen, where Jimin prepared something for both of us lunch. — Hm... As we are differentiated, we can go. It will only open to close friends, and Namjoon invited us. — He takes some of the soup he prepared and puts it on his lips, being sarcastic.

— I'm not a friend of him, it's a fact that you can't forget. — Raised my eyebrow, making him nervous.

— But you should! I have three Kim as friends, why can't you open up just a little bit with the others. — Jimin is sitting cross-legged to touch his concentrated cell phone. I confirm and go to the freezer to get a drink, I tried to handle this comment well. Sometimes Jimin didn't understand my difficulty in socializing.

— Maybe if you had warned me before... I could have even thought of going.

— Ah yes Tae... What will the princess do here in the apartment on a Saturday night, that she cannot do in the blackout? — I turn around slowly, looking at him angrily, even though he's not focused on me to see. I wanted to snap my fingers and make it disappear. — Why do you want to go?! There are people who go that I know you don't like.

     I didn't raise my voice because the only one who would get stressed is me, since the cute guy always tries to ignore me.

— You quickly found out why I am going. Now why don't you go? — I sit facing him, the look of someone who is judging me is not always the way that Jimin uses to make me do something. But today I don't know if it was his new move, or if he really expected me to have a good reason for not participating in this fraternization. — Stop looking at me like that.

— Looking how?!

     And he continued to look at me the same way.

— You are judging me, I should be judging you. You go there just to face the others while I want to stay here, left...

     We both smell something burning, Jimin quickly gets up and looks sadly at what he was preparing.

— Great... Now we're going to have to eat out.

     We entered the restaurant which was very busy for this hour

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     We entered the restaurant which was very busy for this hour. We handed over our coats and walked towards the table where Jin waited, agitated as usual.

— They arrived just in time, what a surprise! — Jin greets us and then we accommodates us.

— We missed you during your trip. Have a lot of fun?

     Jimin asks while I'm looking the menu, I haven't missed Jin that way he mentioned. My belly didn't stop snoring and Jimin won't let me eat fatty food when he receives the news that we are going to have a parade to do. I feel bad just hearing about cereal bars.

— My trip was great, I had a lot of fun, met new people... But I'm also happy to be back home. — I smile sideways because he had fun, even pretending not to pay attention to him. — I have good news for both of them... While I was there, I met a very important guy. Known by my father, you already know... He's an entrepreneur for one of the most popular brands, I didn't waste any time and showed him pictures of you. He was immediately interested.

— Are you kidding me...

     I leave the menu on the table and stare at Jin, puzzled, Jimin reacts the same way and looks at me smiling.

— I'm not! I have five parades and two photoshoots for magazines, all of you.

     My breath was gone for a while. Nobody can understand the level of being a model, it is not enough just to be beautiful, there must be a huge sponsorship and now the doors are open for me and my best friend, there can be no more satisfactory news.

— After that I have to ask you to marry me one of these Seokjin days. You are the man of my life. — Jimin gets up and leans over to give Jin a warm hug. The people around did not like the display of affection, I am completely sick of seeing people's actions like that. — I'm even afraid of what you would do if I gave you the world... — Jin comments smiling and then Jimin hits him slightly, I look down because I know exactly what he would do. Consequently Jin is not the right guy to marry, even when they joke about it.

— When do we start? I mean... Thank you very much, you know that it is very important for us and you are always there, supporting us...

     What to say when you don't feel comfortable with someone? Not because the person is unpleasant, but is that Jin is so nice to me that it makes me uncomfortable. That famous feeling of fear about saying something wrong and the person no have interest in you anymore. Why the fuck do I want him to be interested in me?!

— No need to thank... You could only go today at the opening of Namjoon. He's very anxious, you know the level of perfectionism...

     The waiter comes and in that time when we place the order, Jimin looks at me. I know that now I have to go to Blackout, whether I want to or not. I still have respect, and even if half of the people don't like me, I'll be there.

 I still have respect, and even if half of the people don't like me, I'll be there

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