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Trigger Warning(s): none

Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra

~ Emira's Point of View ~


I don't like to brag about my livelihood, but at the time of this story's opening, I was a fairly successful businesswoman. I had a corner office overlooking the busy streets of London, interns waiting at my beck and call, and very few restrictions regarding my gender despite being in a male-dominated workplace. Needless to say, I was one of the lucky ones. Human employment became a rarity after the official takeover of automation, but I managed to snag a full-time job at a company that focused on the financial aspect of manufacturing.

When I was younger, I had hoped to do something with charity – helping people, in the very least – but that didn't exactly work out. And besides, this job paid well, which was exactly what I needed at this point in the story.

Anyways, where was I?

Ah, yes.

We begin on a day just like any other. A new intern was assigned to me, and as I walked him through his daily tasks, my boss knocked on the door to my office and requested a moment with me.

"Of course," I replied, anxiously cracking my knuckles beneath the desk. Was I going to be fired? I knew I shouldn't have accepted that project in India. I was trying to take initiative, but the project turned out to be an utter failure, as the country was still adjusting to the implementation of automation. I should have seen it coming. How could I have been so stupid? "Is there anything wrong, ma'am?"

"No – quite the opposite, actually." My boss was a stern woman. Only one intern had ever seen her smile, and he was fired the following day. Although that might seem purely coincidental to some, rumors circulated around the office, and many employees became fully convinced that she was associated with the mafia. I cannot say that I believed the legends myself, but you know... well...

Okay, fine, you got me. I did believe the legends. And I was terrified of her.

She didn't allow me to wallow in my fears for long. "I am sending you to Shanghai to oversee some planning there. We have recently partnered with several automation companies in China, and I was hoping you would ensure they are complying with company policies."

That was... not what I had expected.

"Would you be interested in taking advantage of this opportunity? It is considered a business trip, so all accommodations are fully paid for."

"Um, y-yes!" I stammered. "Of course, I will take it. Thank you for offering. How long, um, is this trip?"

"Several weeks. You will fly out on October 6 and return on October 23. I expect a complete report within two days of your return."

"Y-yes, ma'am."

She nodded sharply before swiveling and exiting the office. I waited until I could no longer hear the sharp clicking of her heels against the linoleum floor before sinking further into my chair and exhaling deeply. The intern peeked his blonde head in the door and asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Yes," I sighed. "Never better. Will you hold any calls that come through? I need to... make a call."

"Of course." When he disappeared, I retrieved my cell phone and selected my most common contact. Texting seemed too informal for something as significant as this, so I tapped the 'call' button and waited for the person to pick up on the other end.

After several moments of buzzing, the line clicked, and a muffled voice said, "Yup?"

"Arlie, you will not believe what just happened! I'm going to–"

"Hang on a minute." There was some shuffling over the line, and then a loud crash made me jerk my ear away from the phone's speaker.

"What's going on?" I asked.

After another moment of shuffling, the voice came in clearer. "One of the bots has been malfunctioning, and it just dropped, like, three dishes. My impending doom approaches."

"You're still in Chicago?"


"I can connect with one of our business partners there and send someone to take a look at it."

Another crash. "Might be good because it just broke a fourth plate. Why do I even work here?"

"You could always come to London, you know, and be an intern here..."

"Never mind, I just remembered. Those are long hours. This way, I at least have a chance to write. Not that I get much inspiration anyways."

"Well, the offer is always open."

"Yeah, okay. Anyways, why did you call?"

"I'm going on a–"


I bit back a laugh, trying to muster some sympathy for her situation. "I'm going on an all-expenses-paid business trip to Shanghai, and I thought I would let you know." A notification appeared in the corner of my computer screen, and I selected it. The pop-up redirected me to an email from my boss with the details of the trip. "And according to the email I just received, I'm staying at" – I scrolled until my cursor was positioned beside the name of my hotel, and my eyes practically bugged out of my head – "one of the most expensive hotels in Shanghai!"

"What's it called?"

"The... the Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund. And my room is a suite... with a private dipping pool?!"

"Wow, you're gonna be living it up."

"It comes with a complimentary bottle of champagne, too!"

"What are you trying to do, bribe me into being an intern?"

"No – I mean, you're always welcome to work here. The hours get tedious, but the pay makes it worth it, and having the satisfaction that you're at least making some difference in the world... well, it's something."

"I would keep this faulty bot before I accept a job at Kim & Kim Enterprises. Look, have fun in Shanghai, but I'm probably gonna have a double shift thanks to that bloody bot. Just... spam me with pictures."

"Well, of course!"

After exchanging our goodbyes, she hung up, and I relaxed in my chair, smiling serenely. According to the schedule in the email, I would have a lot of free time in the mornings and late evenings – and it would truly be a shame to waste that private dipping pool.

This was going to be the trip of my life. And if I did well in checking the power of the Chinese automation business, who knows, I might even be promoted. I could already feel it – absolutely nothing would go wrong on this trip.

~ ~ ~

Published August 4, 2020.

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