Chapter 12

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Nervous. That's how I felt. A feeling that was foreign. Something that I had only felt a few times before. My wolf was starting to go crazy. The closer I got to the stage, the more I started to notice a particularly pleasant smell lingering in the air. It didn't fill the room, but it was just enough for me to know it was there. It was like reaching out to touch something but having nothing come into contact with your fingertips. It was like taunting a child with candy.

I climbed the steps and started towards the middle of the stage. Each step led to the smell growing stronger. I took a deep breath in, and I instantly relaxed. I let my feet guide me to center stage. My steps becoming more relaxed as I inhaled deeper. I stood in the middle of the stage and took in everything around me. Hundreds of muscular men sat around tables, looking at me with interest. Their eyes dilated with hunger.

I let myself scan the room for the source of the smell. My eyes looked from table to table. I looked into each males' eyes, ready for that feeling of excitement, that instant connection. To my disappointment, that feeling never came.

"Eleanora Valore, Crimson Blood. Daughter of Beta Valore." They announced, snapping me out of my search. I tried to hide my disappointment as much as I could. My wolf whined, not liking the fact we couldn't find our mate. She was pacing around in my head. She knew he was here, but she couldn't seem to pinpoint the source.

The shuffle of papers shook me out of my trance. "After looking through pack records, we have decided on this female's score. Strength eight, agility ten, and purity of bloodline eighty-nine percent." They announced into the microphone.

A small smile made its way to my face. I was very pleased with my results. I looked towards my families table, and they all smiled widely at me. They couldn't have been happier for me. I saw as multiple heads shot up. Many males wanted me as their mates, but as soon as they stood up, they started sitting down quickly.

I looked towards the beta section, to find no one standing. That only meant one thing. I looked toward my father, and his smile was gone. Instead, it was replaced with an angered expression. I soon found out why when I looked towards to the Alpha section.

There, standing with a sinister smile on his face, was no other than Alpha Alastair. He looked around, smiling evilly as he realized no one was going to fight him. His eyes raked down my body. A shudder ran down my spine as his eyes roamed me over. I felt exposed.

I saw him flick his hand in the air. Confused, I looked at his face, only to see he was looking at the side of the stage. As I turned around, I saw four men swiftly coming towards me. My eyes went wide in panic. I turned to look at my mother. She started to get up to help me, but my brother held her back. Tears threatened to come out of my eyes, as I saw my brother not move to help me.

I felt two cold hands wrap tightly around my upper arms. Although it wasn't excruciatingly painful, I could tell it would be enough to leave a bruise. I struggled in their grasps, trying to wiggle my way free. This only resulted in their grip getting harder.

"Be still pretty girl. If we are lucky, the Alpha will let us have our way with you." He said coldly in my ear. Tears started escaping from my eyes.

"Help me please!" I said as I looked at my mother. A single tear escaped from her eyes as she stayed glued to her seat. More tears came out as a feeling of betrayal washed over me. I tried to kick my way out of their grasp, but again it didn't work. Just as I was about to give up, I heard a series of shouting.

"Don't let the girl go!!" I heard Alastair shout. A tall figure started its way up to the stage. His pace quickened as the men started to pull me off the stage.

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