Chapter 6

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Evander's POV

To say my wolf was restless would be an understatement. Years of waiting for our made me and my wolf loose hope. At this point I'm focused on mating for political alliances. Even if I were to find my mate, I still don't know what I would do. I've already promised a foreign alliance with Russia if I wanted to take up the offer if I was willing after the ceremony.

The fact of me not wanting my mate makes my wolf furious. He's dead set on finding our mate this year. He insists that we will find her this year, but I have my doubts. I was disturbed from my thoughts with a knock on the door of my office.

"Enter." I said.

"Evander, didn't you say you wanted to go find a suit before the ceremony?" Kaden, my beta asked peeking his head in the door. I now remember I told him that's one of the things I needed to do before the ceremony. I needed to get a suit for myself, and also my gamma Malakai. 

"Yeah. Have Gemeni fetch my luggage. Also, link Malakai and have him ready to leave for Crimson Blood in twenty minutes." I said sternly. Crimson Blood would be where we stopped for suits. The Capital territory is about six hours from Crimson Blood. I knew if we didn't make any stops, we could make it in roughly five and a half hours. It would be a good place to stop, considering it would be only a twenty-minute drive from there to the ceremonial mansion.

"Yes Alpha." Kayden said quickly. Kayden was an amazing Beta. To most, he would appear as a cocky male, but when I found him, he was anything but that. About seven years ago, when I was still training with my father to become alpha, there had been an attack on a pack in the southern region of the United States. 

*Seven Years Ago,*

South America had been targeting our southern borders a lot these past few months. It was something that I could tell was causing my father a lot of stress. I was hoping, sense I was becoming of age, I would be able to help my father out in the upcoming war.

"Evander. Pack your things we are leaving for Dark Vein in two hours." My father ordered, when he barged into my room. My father wasn't a loving man. He was very professional, a 'tough love' kind of guy. 

"Really?" I asked in surprise. I hadn't been out with him ever, and he was asking me to go help one of our packs with an invasion.

"Stop asking questions and do what I say. If you're going to be alpha, you have to know how to be quick and efficient." He growled out. Yep, tough love.

"Of course, father. Sorry, it won't happen again." I said apologetically. Those next few hours were spent with me scrambling for my clothes and anything else I could have needed for that trip.

I quickly ran downstairs and put my bags in the car. I hopped in the passenger seat, and we headed towards the airport. Normally we would just drive to packs, but since it was so far away, and it was in need of dire assistance, we chose to take a private jet instead.

As soon as we landed in Dark Vein, we were escorted to a bullet proof black GMC. We were told our bags would be put in a nearby hotel, where we would be staying for the next few days. We were followed by large vans filled with our Royal Guard.

As soon as we got to the southern border of Dark Vein, our guard spilled out of the vans and shifted to help fend off the invaders. My father joined with them, and I decided to help the people that had already been hurt because of the fighting.

I went towards the pack house, knowing that the higher-ranking wolves would be there. What I saw next was utter chaos. There were bodies everywhere, both dead and injured. There were pack doctors from neighboring packs helping as much as they could.

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