Chapter 14

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The rest of that night wasn't all that eventful. It consisted of packing a few personal items into a small bag while the Royal Alpha's 'people' took care of everything else. What the hell are even 'people'? I mean, does he have some for everything? Does he pay them, or are they like servants of some kind? I wonder if he kills them if they step out of line...

Suddenly I was jolted from my thoughts by a hand waving in my face. A pretty giant hand might I add.

"Yo, Earth to Eleanoraaaaaa. You in there?" He questioned obnoxiously as he continually waved his hand in my face. 

"Did anyone ever tell you that you have incredulously large hands, Ass?" I snapped sarcastically as I slapped his hand out of my face. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him as we gathered the rest of my luggage, slowly making our way downstairs to the convoy of SUV's preparing for my departure to the Royal Capital. 

"Is the name Ass really going to become a thing" Kayden questioned worriedly. He definitely did not appreciate the nickname, but I myself had grown rather fond of it! I mean who else in the world gets such an awesome nickname?

"If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck..." I said while shrugging my shoulders. He chuckled quietly to himself. I'm sure no wolf has treated him this normally in years. It must be nice to be treated like a regular person and not some celebrity.

We walked side by side down the never-ending corridors until we finally reached the doors that led out to the driveway. I hesitated for a second... once I stepped outside of these doors, I would be entering a whole new life. A life full of uncertainty along with a person I barely know. A person who I was supposed to grow to love and cherish. Maybe it wouldn't have been so hard if he wasn't my mate... If it was someone where there were no expectations of love. But we are mates, and we are expected to love each other endlessly. I don't know if I can handle that pressure...

I quickly caught back up to Kayden when I heard him talking about where everyone would be situated in this convoy.

"I will be in the first car along with some other guards. Evander and yourself will be in the second accompanied by your driver. The other two are for the Gamma and any extra guards we brought along with us." He barked out quickly. This guy seemed very use to giving commands.

"It will be about a 6-hour drive, so make yourself comfortable. We will try not to make any stops, but if needed, we will" He stated quickly. 

As soon as he finished his sentence, half a dozen security personnel rushed by grabbing up my bags and shoving them into the second SUV. The SUV was huge, painted all black with tinted windows. It felt like the secret service was up in here.

Just as I finished my thought, Evander quickly brushed by me, hair blowing through the air. His scent lingered in front of me for what seemed like an eternity. I quickly breathed in the last rush of fresh air I would get in 6 hours and prepared myself for the most awkward car ride of my life.

I jumped as a dark, velvet voice shook me from my preparation. "Are you going to get into the car anytime soon?" Evander remarked as he held the door open for me. 

His large frame stood towards the side of the SUV as he looked at me expectantly. He was wearing black slacks with a navy-blue top on. His belt had a golden buckle attached to it, but I tried not to pay attention to that part of his body for too long... His hair looked tousled, as though he didn't get enough sleep that night. The urge to run my hands through it and straighten out the few stray strands was almost overwhelming. The worst part though, was that I couldn't see his eyes. Although I knew he was looking at me, his gaze was hidden behind a pair of black sunglasses.

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