Chapter 8

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Eleanora's POV

The two guards stood on either side of me, and quickly escorted me back upstairs to my room. We were walking back up the stairs, and all of a sudden, I saw Olivia walking down.

"Oh my gosh, Nora! I didn't think I would see you again! Come here sis." She said, as she walked over to give me a hug. I could see the excitement in her eyes when she saw me. We both had said our goodbyes days ago, and the fact we were seeing each other again was crazy

As she came up to hug me, the two guards positioned there selves in front of her, blocking the hug. She stopped dead in her tracks, and looked at me from in between their shoulders. I could tell she was confused, and slightly hurt. 

"Nora? What's going on? Why aren't they letting me go up to you?" She asked sadly. She tried to push through the guards, but they just stood tall not letting her pass.

"The Royal Beta assigned them to my family. They had been following us around, making sure nothing was going on." I began. I almost choked on my words as I told her what happened next. "I was in line to get food, when an alpha came up behind me. He uhh...  he tried to touch me." I whispered. I could see the pain in here eyes as I told her what was happening. All she wanted to do was comfort me.

"Can she not come back with me to my room? She's my best friend, she'd never hurt me." I said pleadingly. One guard turned slightly towards me, letting me know he heard. His eyes clouded over, telling me he was either mind linking the other guard, or a superior. I could see the confliction in his eyes.

"Please..."  I added in a whisper, hoping this would convince him. He looked at the other male, who shrugged. He sighed heavily.

"Fine. But you have ten minutes once we get in the room." He said harshly. I let a breath out as they moved, and Olivia gave me a bone crushing hug. I smiled at the guard, who simply nodded in response. 

I linked arms with her, and continued the walk back to the room. As we got there, I swiped the key, and heard the door open.

"We will be outside the door if you need anything." The one guard said. I nodded, and closed the door as the guards placed themselves in front of it.  I sighed, hoping all the nerves and bad energy would escape as I did.

I took a seat on my bed where Olivia sat next to me. She looked at me with sad eyes. Not only was she feeling the pain of having her best friend hurt, but also the hurt of having one of her pack members hurt. I know she was partially blaming herself, thinking of all the possible things she could have done to stop this mess from happening.

"Tell me everything that happened as soon as you got here." She said. I know she wanted to make sure that my family was ok.

I nodded, and started from the beginning. I told her about how we had some men, which worked for the Alpha King, take our bags to our room. Which I still thought was weird. But she told me, the same thing happened to her. Apparently, it was just a sign of thanks from the Alpha King. She told me he does something like that every year. Although it was a small thing to do, the Alpha King didn't have to do anything for us. Yet he did. 

I decided to go ahead and tell her about the Royal Beta, and how I thought he was quite nice. She got onto me for calling Kaden an Ass, but I could tell she was just kidding. She was also quite surprised that I was able to do that, and not get my head ripped off or something along those lines. To which I told her I was surprised to. 

We talked about everything that had happened when she got here. Apparently, they had assigned her family with guards too. They never had to use them, but she said it drew a lot of unnecessary attention to her, and she didn't like it. As she was continuing to tell me about her stay, there was a small knock at the door.

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