"Alex, this is my case."

"You didn't call it," Alex argues like a child.

"I didn't have to call him, I was here first." I roll my eyes and turn to them.

"Guys! Shut up! We have a patient here bleeding and in pain." They shut up as I turn back to the patient. "Anyways, if we're talking about whose patient it is, I was technically here first." The moment I said it I regretted it as the boys started fighting again.

"Where are the chest films?" I ask and George gets it before looking at it himself while continuing to argue with Alex.

"Cut it out. This is one of Seattle's finest. You have an entire police force watching you." The nurse says and we all turn to look out the window of the trauma room to see many police officers watching up through it with stern looks.

"No pressure," I mutter to myself before watching George give them a thumbs up. I push his hand down and when he looks at me I just shake my head.

"Page Dr. Burke. Let him know I'm bringing up a G.S.W." George says and Alex looks at him annoyed.

"That we are bringing up a G.S.W," Alex says and I roll my eyes.

"Girls, you're both pretty," I mutter to myself sarcastically as I lift the sides of the gurney in place but they hear me and I have to stop myself from laughing. We hold onto the handles and start to push the gurney down the hall toward the elevator to bring him to the OR. As we walk down the hallway Alex starts to make conversation.

"You got shot in the line of duty?" He asks the officer who is still awake as we push him down the hall, nearing the elevator.

"First month on the job. Can you believe my luck?" He answers, poor guy. "Guy pulls a gun, and I freeze up. The rookie let himself get shot. I'm never gonna live this down."

"Sure, you will," George says reassuringly as we make it to the elevator. He presses the button and we wait. George and Alex on either side of the gurney while I stand at the back to push.

"You think?" He asks hopefully and George nods.

"Absolutely." The door opens and we push him inside. After standing inside for a while to get to the other floor. Alex speaks up to break the silence.

"So, dude, what's the deal with Izzie?" He asks and George gets agitated.

"She shaved her legs for you." He hisses and my eyebrows raise.

"And?" Alex asks, sounding bored.

"And you didn't even kiss her goodnight." When George says that I laugh.

"Really Alex? That's messed up," I say and he glares at me before the patient backs me up.

"She shaved her legs for you, and you didn't follow through?" Sounding just as surprised as me he asks Alex.

"Hey, I follow through. I always follow through." Alex defends himself but George is the one to laugh this time.

"You didn't last night."

"Mind your own business." He says and I roll my eyes. Of course, Alex is the one to not understand when a woman goes to great lengths.

"She had expectations. Women have expectations." George starts before turning to me. "You're a woman, back me up, do you have expectations?" In normal circumstances, I wouldn't know how to respond but I feel like pissing off my brother so I nod in agreement.

"Always," I say and George nods proudly before looking at Alex.

"You didn't meet them. I live with these women, and every time you guys don't meet their expectations, I have to hear about it." He says before looking over at me guilty. "No offense."

How To Save A Life (Grey's Anatomy)Where stories live. Discover now