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Above is a pic of how I picture Shane's mum. Wish she didn't die tho 😢💔

Anyhoo, we reached 1k sooo fast... I couldn't have done it without every single one of you.😘😘😘

Soo... Feel free to send your questions on dm or at the comments section. I'll be sure to answer them 😏.
Let's get into the chapter...

Playlist: Never forget you by Mnek and Zara Larson

Shane's POV
I feel someone shaking my shoulder and I slowly open my eyes to meet Mr Emeka. My face feels dry and I suppose it's the cause of dry tears and I'm pretty sure my eyes are red and swollen because they feel pretty sore.

He reaches for my hand and helps me off the ground and I dust my trousers with my hands and wipe my face with a handkerchief offered to me by Mr Emeka.

Before we leave, I take the petunia out of my shirt pocket kiss it and drop it on the tomb.

It's on days like this that I feel the big hole in my chest but being strong in difficulties and taking a bold step with a smile is a trait I want to adapt from my mum.
Valerie's POV
It's been a week since I've been preparing for my exams but  mum makes it harder than it is.
Whenever I'm about read, there's always an errand waiting for me and the only time I read well is when she's sleeping or she's out of the house and also in school and my place of hope.

I haven't seen Shane for a while and I just remembered that today is his mum's memorial. It must be really hard for him, the way it is for me but he still seems to be free.

I still want to learn from him because this wall that I have built makes me uncomfortable and I feel like the feelings are eating me up inside and I don't know how to stop them. I want to break out of this wall.
I'm in school right now and I'm done with school activities for the day and the principal made an announcement on filling in the JAMB (Joint Admission Matriculation Board) form to gain admission into the university then he told us to go enquire about it during our free time.

I want to know all the requirements right away  because my  inquisitive mind won't allow me to wait another day so I leave the school premises and call on an okada (motorcycle)
I drop in front of the Lagos JAMB centre. It's a really beautiful place I must say, with the JAMB logo at the top of the two storey building.
The walls are tiled and there are large posters for JAMB lessons, tutorials and guides.

I hold unto my bag and step into the building and I'm welcomed by the cold air from the AC. I look around and it isn't hard finding my way around because there are sign boards everywhere.

I see the receptionist at my end and walk up to her
"Good afternoon ma" I say with a blunt smile

”Afternoon dear, how may I help you?" She gives me a warm smile.

"I'm here to get basic info about the JAMB"

"Okay dear, I'll give you a CD that holds all the info you need and will fully equip you for the exam"
She says smiling and then searches through a cabinet, takes out a CD and hands it to me.

"Thank you ma, I'm grateful" I say and turn to leave

"Dear, you have to pay for it" she says and when I turn to face her, she looks at me as if I've grown a second head.

I should've guessed, nothing is free in Nigeria , I say in thought

"How much is it ma" I peek into my school bag for my savings

"Just #1,000" she smiles and I hesitate but later hand her the money and I walk out.

I wonder how it will feel to leave my home but I may go to the university of Lagos. Anywhere I go must be faith speaking.
I close my laptop after watching the whole CD and I'm ready to apply for JAMB but I'll need to inform my "dear mother" first.

Shane's POV
I stare at the light in my room with a steady gaze. Everything feels so gloomy every single time mum's memorial takes place.

The hole I feel within seems to be closing every second but I Know the feelings will always remain...

I smile, I know it's because my mum's presence is always around and that keeps me sane.

I take a Canvas from the studio and start to paint

I mix in the color and unexpectedly, in like a short second,my room becomes dark and I guess it must be a power outage.

When I'm about to step out of the room. Someone pushes me down

"Who are you?, Let me go!!!" I hit the person while feeling scared

"Hmm, so you don't know who I am, hey " I froze

Okay as promised, I'm updating. I planned to update this afternoon but network was Soo unfair to me.

I know you all may be tired of my cliffhangers but don't worry, the next chapter is coming in a few minutes. Hope you enjoyed this one.


Who do you think pushed Shane?

Valerie's life is changing slowly, what's your view on that.

We've reached 1,000+ reads loves. Have I mentioned how much I love you all. I don't think so

Lyssm guys ❤❤❤

That means it's time to start sending your questions. You're free to send them on my Dm or in the comments section. There'll be a chapter on that.


Can my ghost/ silent readers comment a hi at least. I'll be grateful ❤

Next chapter in a few...

Valerieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें