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Before you proceed. This chapter contains saddening contents. If you're liable to excessive crying, stay back.

But seriously guys, this chapter is going to make you as sad as I am right now. Last warning.

This chapter is dedicated to Rehmetu for her votes and comments.

Playlist: Bruises by Lewis capaldi, I want to forget, I want this to be over. It's my fault, I say to myself crying like I did that day. I want to forget but I can't, because things like this can't be forgotten. Especially when all the blame is on you. I say falling to knees.

"I'm sorry, it was my fault, I. I
I'm sorry Connor!" I say in a whisper, sniffling into my arm.

"I wish I never existed, it was all my fault!!!" I say to myself, breaking down again.

I know you're wondering who he co-nnor is. His full name is Connor Chinedu Trevor. He's my late brother *hands shaking*
I grab the keys to the side drawer near my bed and I open it and bring out my photo album. I open it and flip the pages to where I kept a book mark and I gaze at the picture as a tear drops on a picture of me and Connor smiling.

I will never be able to forget him, Chinedu was the first born of the family and the first ever heir to Trevor's choice. He would always make the house lively and always had my back
Me and Connor always played together and he told me bedtime stories every night. He was my brother but he was also the best friend I never had *crying uncontrollably*. We lived a happy life until th-th-that day.

I can remember clearly, it was all my fault and I should have done something.

Six year old me and sixteen years old Connor where at home sitting at the sitting room. "Connor, I want some ice cream" I say with a pout.
"It's Tuesday and you know that the ice cream truck only comes to this part of town on Friday".
"But I want ice cream"I say nearly crying
He steps in front of me and uses his finger to catch my tear drop. He rubs his fingers together.
"Don't ever cry, even on your weakest days. You know I hate it when you cry, your tears are magical and don't let it drop for anyone that isn't worth it, okay?" He says giving me a small smile.
"Okay" I say rubbing my eyes
"Okay let's get you some ice cream" he says carrying me on his back.
"Yay" I smile pecking him on the cheek.

"Hey mum, we're heading down town to get some ice cream" he says
" But why can't you guys wait till Friday" my mum says typing on her laptop.
"My pal wants Ice cream so much, I don't bother walking a few miles" he sways his thumb against my cheek.
"Okay then, Bye" she says handing him some notes.
We walk to the ice cream store called yummy cones and I look at the many colors to choose from.
" Have you made up your mind yet" my brother says with a curious look.
"Uhm... I want blue, no maybe purple or pink or red or..."
Before I talk again, Connor puts his finger on my lip signifying that I should be quiet and I bite down my lip.

"Why choose a color, when you can take the rainbow cone special!" He says giving me a million dollar smile.
"Yesss... I want it, I want it's I say clapping with joy.
I get the special and he gets the vanilla and chocolate mixed one.
"Yum, that was nice" he says cleaning the edges of his mouth with a napkin.
"Yes it was, I think I have a brain freeze" I say rubbing my temples and he helps clean my mouth.

"That's why you can't always have ice cream" paying at the cash register and we leave the store.

We reach the road but it's kinda silent maybe because most of the drivers are at work. When we are about crossing the road. I dance at the middle of the road well because it was clear of vehicles.

"Move to the side walk, it's safe there" he says and I move . He moves slightly to the side walk and tries to knot his shoe laces that he nearly trips on.

Then a speedy vehicle moves so fast and when approaching, my brother's shoes make it him trip at the middle of the road and then it hit him. * Staring*

The car's impact on Chinedu was fatal. He flew up into the air and fell into a rock. Before I realized what is happening. I stay still, watching the pace of events that just happened. The world began to slow down before my eyes and I ran to where he lay unconscious.

He was bleeding so much and his eyes were closed, I was scared and my whole being was shaking. I was a six year old, what could I do. I tried to wake him up by shaking him.
And then... He opened his eyes and looked at me with a faint smile and said" Don't worry Val, I will always be there" *coughing out blood*

"You're my strong girl and always will be" he says rubbing my face before his hand dropped and his eyes closed.

"Don't leave me!!!, I'm nothing without you" I say shaking him harder and harder and I cry into his chest. I pinch him, bite him, I even pretend to be hurt. But he doesn't respond. He just lays here lifeless and I cry out and I don't give up.

"Wake up!!!" I shout into his ears. "I will never play with you again if you don't answer me!". "You said you'll save my every tear drop but you're allowing me to cry" I shout literally screaming out

My head spins and I lay unconscious right next to him.
I literally can't continue because I'm already an emotional mess. So this is what Valerie went through. I feel like there's a lot more she faced 💔😭😭😭.
Now you guys finally know a bit about her past. I'll to update later but for now I'm too sad to continue.

Share your emotions in the comments section
Bye loves,😢

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