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Playlist: I don't wanna be you anymore by Billie Eilish

My alarm makes a dreadful noise like every other day.
"Ugh" i shut it off and get up, just when I'm about to step into the shower, I trip on a blade that I used the day before and my foot bleeds profusely. I pick up the blade and look at my blood. It's one thing to be hurt physically and another to be hurt in the heart. I take a shower and aid my wounded foot out of the bathroom.
Looking into my dresser, I wear a black sweater and black shorts (picture above) with white cans heading to the kitchen.
This is my life, the type no one will want ever want to live. I'm Valerie, Val for short but who cares tho, I'm sixteen and I'm in a family of six: Mr Trevor (Dad), Mum, my brother Levi, the twins Harley and Carly and I was damned enough to come into the world as the first child, my native name is chisom. I've grown up in silence, doubt, fear, sadness but I never shed a tear.
It's not normal for a Nigerian teen to be all gloomy but it seems like I'm from a different sky.

I grab my money from the table and put it in my backpack then I get to the twins room to make sure they take their bath. I make fried plantain and eggs and set up the table.

"Chisom!!!" My mom yells from the corridor

"Yes mummy"

She enters the kitchen and on looking at the dining table she asks " Did you make plantain and eggs?"

What do you think Mum?!  I say in thought.

"Yes I did" I say sharply

"Oya go and call them to eat"
I alert them and they all have breakfast together except me though, I eat in my room

I check the time and I have to leave for my weekend classes so I head out with a slight run.

"And where do you think you're going ?" My mum says as I'm about bolting through the door.

She knows already, why does she do this I ask myself

"I'm going for weekend lessons" I say with a fake smile.

She eyes me and walks back to her chair and I leave the house. I call for a motorbike to take me down to Grade A Academy .

That's my school, I'm in grade 12 SS3 currently and I've been in this school for a long time. It's a classy school with cliques almost everywhere but no one wants to talk to the girl whose always lurking in the shadows, ME.

"Bacteria can be, blah blah blah..." Mr ikubo says while I jot in my note.
I'm not what you'll call a nerd or bookworm let alone popular. I'm just that chubby female who doesn't trust anyone.

The bell rings and I head to the art block for my Government class.
We learnt about how Nigerian constitution came and how we where colonized by the British and I wonder if I was being colonized by doubt?

First chapter finally completed, I know it may look boring but I promise you all interesting chapters ahead.
So what do you think made Valerie this way ?
Let's find out in the comments section and please click on the little star

Bye loves 💗

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