6 months later

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It was the 2nd worst night of my life. My fucking boyfriend was fucking his sister and they both were working with the crazy fucking ginger haired dwarf who wanted us all dead because I killed the man he loved. We stayed in the hospital for 6 days just like last time. We all said fuck therapy since we know they would want us to "deal with our issues" well asshole you deal with watching people get killed then come fucking talk to me. The house got knocked down and now it's just an empty lot with blood stains in the middle of the woods. So you know normal shit. So like I've said so many times before. If you want a happy story with Care Bears and rainbows please stop fucking reading. But if you like the idea of being being sliced and diced then by all means. Stick around.

I called uno" Zoe yelled while looking at Logan with wide eyes. "You did not" he fired back, they were both glaring at each other. "Y'all finna fight" Will asked. I chuckled but they ignored us. "You've been pulling this shit since 9th grade and I'm done I called fucking uno" Zoe said. "Well you didn't say it fast enough" Logan snapped. "I did ask Lola and Will" she snapped. They both looked at us but I was busy showing off my nose ring on Snapchat and Will looked scared. "I wasn't listening" Will said. "Bullshit you heard everything" I said. "No I didn't so stop being aggravating" Will said. "I'm not being aggregating you cow" I snapped. "Asshat" he shot back. "Dickwad" I said. "Alright I'll give you that one" he said. "Babe tell Logan I fucking called uno" Zoe yelled. "I told you I wasn't listening" Will said. "You don't listen to anything do you William" I asked. "You know Lolita there are only 365 days in the year and somehow you manage to annoy me every single day" he said while rolling his eyes. "Sorry babygirl" I said it a Italian accent . "That's not funny" he said. "Then why am I laughing" I asked while giggling. Meanwhile Logan and Zoe were still fighting. She grabbed his phone then held it over the fish tank. "Okay I admit it you called uno now give me my shit back" he said. "You two are so fucking weird" Will said with a laugh. Before anyone could say anything else my phone beeped. "Who is it" Logan asked. "The university of Florida telling me how thrilled they are to have me starting at there school in 3 weeks" I said with a huge smile. "I didn't get one" Will said. "Because they accepted you out of pity" I said. "Didn't you get suspended for doing crack in 9th grade" Will asked. "It was literally sugar" I said while rolling my eyes. "Okay crack baby" Will said. I grabbed his eyelash and pulled as he screamed. Will and I both got accepted to the same university 3 months ago. Zoe's going to NYU. Logan decided he didn't want to go to college so instead he's staying in Ohio and working for his dads friend.

"Well it's getting late we should go" Logan said. Every since my parents died I've been living with Logan. "Okay bye love you both" Zoe said. "See y'all later" Logan said as we walked out the door. Logan lives 2 streets down from Zoe so we always walk to her house. "Did Zoe really say uno" I asked. "No" he said with a laugh then put his arm around me. I laughed and he kissed me on the cheek. His parents are on vacation so we have the house to ourselves. Once we were inside Logan shut and looked the door then double checked it. "Do you think that habit will ever go away" I asked. "Probably not" he said. Considering we almost died several times we tend to double check everything. We went to our room and he sat on the bed. "Are you nervous about college" he asked. "No" I said while standing in front of him and holding his hands. "Are you nervous about me going" I asked. "Kinda" he said. "Why" I asked. "I mean so many other guys will always be hitting on you" he said. "Will is going to be with me constantly and it doesn't matter because I only want you" I said. "Will is the only guy I know won't hit on you" he said. "I only want you" I said. "Even if we're far apart" he asked. "Yes"I said with a smile. "Good" he said. "You still look nervous" I said. "I still am but just a little". "Let me help you relax" I said with a smile then looked down. Logan smiled as I pulled down his shorts.

Zoe's point of view

"Did you really call uno" Will asked. "Nope" I said with a laugh. "So you finessed him out the game for no reason" Will said. "I wanted my 5 dollars" I said with a laugh. We both laughed then he looked at me. "I'm going to miss you so much" he said. "I'll miss you too" I said then kissed him. Our kiss was slow at first then it got heated. I got on top of him and he took my shirt off. I don't know why I was so scared of having sex. I love it. But I also love Will so maybe that's why. Once we were both naked he got on top of me. "I'm going to miss you so much" Will said while looking into my eyes. "I'm going to miss you too" I said. After we were done we laid next to each other holding hands. "I'm going to be so bored at NYU" I said. "I'll be just as bored" Will said. "At least you'll have Lola" I said. "You honestly think she's going to talk to me" he asked with a laugh. "She loves you she just doesn't like to admit it" I said with a smile. "I guess so" he said with a laugh.

Lola's point of view

The next 3 weeks went by perfectly. The 4 of us hung out pretty much everyday and when it was just me and Logan we had sex. Lots and lots of sex. Today is Friday. School starts on Monday but since it's a 16 hour drive we're going leaving today so I'll have the weekend to unpack. "Are you sure you have everything" Logan's mom asked. "Yes" I replied. "Are you positive" Logan asked. "Yes I have everything I need" I said. "Well then I suppose you two can get going" Logan mom said with tears in her eyes. "Mom don't do this" Logan said. "I'm sorry Lola it's just I've gotten so used to you being here and I'm not ready to see you go" she cried. "I'll miss you" I said while hugging her. After saying our goodbyes we got into the car. "Where the fuck are Will and Zoe" Logan asked. Just then the car door opened. "Sorry I had to grab my slides" Will said. "Get in the car" Logan said. Then our drive began. We drove for about 7 hours. Zoe was asleep. Logan was driving and Will and I are playing PUBG. "Shoot them" I yelled. "The gun is reloading" Will yelled back. "Can you to shut up I almost pissed myself and swerved into the other lane" Logan snapped. "I almost swallowed my fucking tongue" Zoe said. "Sorry that Will is ass" I said. "Hey listen to me right now Dracula breathe I carried this fucking team" I reached over and started pulling on Wills face. "She's gonna pull my face off" Will cried. I kept pulling and Zoe and Logan were cackling. "I'm starving" Zoe said. "Same" the 3 of us said together. 10 minutes later we were pulling into a Taco Bell. Zoe got a normal taco. Logan and I got a crunch wrap Supreme and Will got 3 Bean burritos. "You're ass is going to light on fire" I said. "Stop it im eating" Zoe said. "So I'm on season 3 of Jane the virgin and why the fuck is she with Micheal" I said. "Rafael is clearly the better guy" Will said. "No micheal is" Logan said. "I agree Micheal was her first love so they should be together" Zoe said. "Please Jane knew who she wanted it just took some time" Will said. "I like Micheal I just think Rafael was better for her in the long run" I said. "This is more intense then the Edward Jacob talk" Logan said.

Before I could say how Edward was the best the tv cought my attention. "House where several murders occurred is being re build" the news lady said. "Guys look" I said and they all faced the tv. "They can't do that" Logan said. "It's only been 6 months" Zoe said. Just then they started showing pictures of everyone. Mr smith. Aaron. Terry. Talia and so many more. "So many people died" Logan said. "Have you even looked at pictures of them since" Will asked. "No" I said not looking away from his picture. "Do you ever think about them"Will asked. "No not anymore I just wish things didn't end that way" I said then took a sip of my drink. It's true I didnt think about them but I wasn't over it. I never will be.

"Is that the core 4 I see" a voice said from behind us

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