What A Fever Brought to Us: 4

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He was confused about where he knew the other one which ended badly.

The one first one, he ran from the dining room without his parents noticing after they signed the white paper. Crying alone because he would have to choose between his mother and his father.

The first one made his parents divorced and Jo Yeong lost his home.

He lost his mother who often accompanied him till he sleeps with bed-time stories, he got a lonely and suffocating night instead.

He lost his father who would pat his head and praised him warmly, he got an admiral as his mentor who watched him with cold eyes instead.

The discovery continued, getting intense and becoming unbearable at some point as he grew.

He felt déjà vu to many things. He remembered hard moves his father hadn't taught before, the lesson for the senior class.

He mastered them faster than how he supposed to, gaining a title as a prodigy when he was younger than twelve. Yeong felt like he was cheating, excelling in many fields he already familiar with.

His fingers, hands moved automatically when he first tried a gun. The trigger pulled and he saw his father's wide eyes as he aimed the gun to the older man's head.

His father had a wide smile, Yeong's trained cold eyes from the old times gazed at his father and the Admiral knew he had one hell of a soon-to-be-the-best-guard as his son.

Admiral Jo was so proud while Jo Yeong felt wrong.


He felt off when Gon told him the day of the coup for the first time. Yeong was still a teen, trying to finish his high school years.

The younger man was sure the story didn't go with a stranger checking the older man's pulse.

No mysterious badge. No mysterious woman.

Yeong felt he was living other's life while his real-life was standing behind him like a shadow, looming over him and somehow questioning their existence.

'Doesn't you have a woman you search for, Hyung?'

'... What do you mean, Yeong-ah?'

'Isn't you always trying to find her in decades and nobody else matter but her?'

'What the- Did Lady Noh forced you to watch a cringe drama again?'

Those questions brought him into a life he never imagines, Gon took it differently. Misunderstanding leading them into a relationship he never imagines.

The King confessed to him at the very same day, thinking Yeong getting a wrong way.

'I never love anyone else, but you.'

Surprised, Yeong cried because this was the thing he wanted to hear the most, he realized.

The jealousy he had unconsciously from his memories vanished as if someone washed over them.

Tears glistening and he didn't know what to do because this was new, he didn't get any déjà vu for this one and he ended up crying on Gon's shoulders pathetically.

His heart swelled, the flower he tried to grow in his impossible dream somehow ended up blossoming and he wondered if this was a gift or a curse.

For years he forgot about the dreams, faces he didn't recognize yet.

The King: Eternal Monarch (Jo Yeong's Ships)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ