Chapter 12

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"Mistress Padmé, a girl by the name of Eclipse wishes to speak to you," See-Threepio said early the next morning. "She says she is expected."

"Send her in," Padmé responded with a sigh even as Anakin crossed his arms. Usually, he would have already been gone by now, having left with the sunrise to make sure no one would see him sneaking out, but her husband had decided to not leave her side until the entire Eclipse mess was sorted out.

How to get him to leave if she accepted Eclipse into her security force was a different matter entirely.

Threepio walked off to summon the Sith apprentice.

"I'll make sure she stays away," Anakin said after a moment.

"I'm not being biased about this, Ani," Padmé responded.

"Please tell me you're not seriously considering it."

As a matter a fact, she was. Padmé had done her best not to seem frightened, but between a Sith appearing and claiming she was sent to prevent Padmé's death and Anakin's vision, the Senator was feeling cautions.

And wondering if there was a connection.

"Anakin, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't. You can't tell me you wouldn't mind someone being ordered to protect me," Padmé stated.

"Yeah, because usually I'm the one being ordered to do it! Or at least someone I know and trust!" he responded. "She isn't Ahsoka."

"Am I interrupting anything?" a voice asked from the doorway. Padmé turned to find Eclipse watching them.

"No, do come in," Padmé responded with a semiforced smile. "Lady Eclipse, isn't it?"

"Please, no need for formalities, Senator Amidala," the girl responded as she walked into the room. "I hold no title here."

"Then please call me Padmé."

"As you wish." Padmé noticed Anakin's brow furrow even more at the words. "I assume Anakin has already told you why I'm here so I see no reason to reiterate. If you have questions that will assist you with your decision, I'll do my best to answer."

"Yes, perhaps it would be wise to sit down then. Would you like any refreshments?"

"That would be lovely."

"Threepio, could you please get some refreshments for our guest?"

"Of course, Mistress Padmé," the golden droid responded as the group moved to sit on the couches—husband and wife across from the girl.

"So you claim to have been sent by your master, to protect me," Padmé stated, getting straight down to business. "What is his original name? I may recognize it."

"He has never told me. Questions relating to his past are never good ones to ask and I have long learned to avoid them," Eclipse responded, the answer easily shutting down any and all questions to do with that route. She was good, Padmé would give her that.

"And his allegiance to the Republic?"

"He supports it more than the Separatists, as do I."

"I see," the Senator murmured as Threepio brought the drinks and set them down on the table. She had a secondary goal in mind when she had asked for them, and it was time to see if it would work. "And what of this danger your master foresaw?"

"It is complicated," Eclipse responded as she picked up a drink. She studied the liquid for a moment before removing her mask—most of her face remained hidden in her hood's shadow, but now Padmé at least had a chance of reading her. "Though I suppose I could try to explain."

"Please do."

"Well, simply put, my Master foresaw you dying in childbirth," Eclipse stated just before she sipped her drink. Padmé felt her heart stop even as Anakin shot to attention beside her. "But the way he....saw it didn't appear right, if you understand my meaning. Too many loopholes. Too many loose ends. He saw a vision of someone supposedly killing you, and yet saw you living long enough to give birth and name the children. It doesn't add up. I managed to see a version of the vision myself last night, and there seemed to be a rather....striking resemblance to an old legend my Master once told me about. I believe it's rather likely someone wants you dead and the death during childbirth happened only to save the babies you carry."

"So you believe I'm carrying twins," Padmé said.

"I do not believe, I know," Eclipse responded, her voice unchanging, though her lips seemed tempted to turn up into a smirk.

"If you know, then do you know who was behind what happened in the vision?" Anakin questioned, barely managing to not growl. Padmé set a hand on his knee and gave him a look. The Jedi took a breath and managed to relax a little bit.

"I have a theory," the Sith apprentice stated, "but I will not take any definite action until I'm sure."

"And until then, you wish to be my bodyguard," Padmé said, though she honestly didn't know what to think of the idea or the vision Eclipse had seen.


"And what happens if I say no?"

"I will find other ways to complete my goal—most of which will not have us cross paths again."

"....Would you allow me to think about it for a few days?" Padmé asked after a few moments of tense silence.

"Of course," Eclipse responded. "I'll give you my number. And Anakin will always know where to find me."


"Well then, thank you for seeing me," the Sith apprentice said, setting her drink on the table and standing before giving the couple a small bow. "I shall take my leave. If you need me for any reason, do not hesitate to comm."

And with that, she was gone.

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