The camera moved across the map for a second or two before it started lowering itself down as Ironwood continued, "Every fight is our fight. Because what happens over here, matters over there. We don't get to sit one out."

The audience could spot a few vehicles riding along the road from the above a square appeared on the left side of the screen, giving them a better look at on the same vehicles.

"Learning to use the tools of modern warfare is the difference between the prospering of your people, and utter destruction." Ironwood proceeded to speak.

The camera lowered itself down at the vehicles, giving the audience a pretty good view at the vehicle which was simply called "M104 Wolverine. Heavy Assault Bridge."

Ruby titled her head to the side, "Heavy Assault Bridge? I wonder what does it do."

The leader of team RWBY quickly got her answer. The vehicle stopped in front of a abyss which was preventing the other vehicles from moving forward. The thing on top of the vehicle moved forward and layed itself over the abyss, creating a small bridge, allowing a tank to drive forward.

 "You have your answer." Weiss looked at Ruby who let out an "Oh."

"It was quite obvious, though." Ren stated.

"We can't give you freedom. But we can give you the know how to acquire it. And that, my friends, is worth more than a whole army base of steel." Ironwood's voice continued to ring through the audience's ears.

The camera went a bit upwards just seconds before all kinds of guns started appearing on the screen, giving the audience a small presentation of them, starting with a M4A1 assault rifle, with a grenade launcher attachment and then going to SCAR-H assault rifle, which just like the previous gun had an attechment to it, but this time it was a Masterkey Shotgun.

It was followed by General Ironwood continuing his speech, "Sure it matters who's got the bigger stick, but it matters a helluva lot more who's swinging it."

Pyrrha nodded her head to that, "It's true."

"Imagine if Jaune was using Ruby's scythe against a Grimm. I doubt that the effect would be the same." Yang agreed with Pyrrha before turning to look at the leader of team JNPR, "No offense, Jaune."

"None Taken." Jaune shrugged, knowing that there was no need to argue because she was right.

"This is the time for heroes. A time for legend." Ironwood said as the camera located Coco's Adel's current position, which was followed by the General's picture appearing on the screen, "History is written by the victors. Let's get to work."

It was the last thing that General Ironwood said, before the camera lowered itself down on Coco's current position and only a few seconds later, she was shown sitting on a passenger seat in a Humvee which was heading towards a damaged bridge near the town where the battle was taking place.

It was when completely out of the sudden, an RPG rocket went flying from the other side of the river and it unfortunely hit Coco's Humvee who managed to jump out of the vehicle in the last second.

"Talk about starting a mission with a bang." Neptune stated.

Sun nodded in agreement, "We're going straight into the action."

Coco's vision was blurry when she opened her eyes. The first thing that she saw was General Ironwood glancing at the battlefield ahead of him while reloading his Magnum. He turned his gaze down and saw Coco staring up at him.

"Get up, Private  Adel!" He shouted to Coco as he grabbed her hand and brought her back on her feet, "Rangers lead the way! Move!"

He pushed Coco forward a bit, causing her to join the fight. 

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