Namjoon quickly retrieved the letter and opened it- pleased to see that it is indeed from Seokjin. When the alpha read the letter, he panicked.

'Should I go or should I stay?' Namjoon pondered. A vision of the prince's smile, the dirt road, the clear sky,

"Okay. I'll better start packing." The alpha muttered and took a huge sack. He only packed his commoner like clothes and left his exquisite clothing behind. He also packed some jewelry, hoping that it could be of some use to his and Seokjin's journey. And not only that, they'll be taking Yoongi with them. So he's going to prepare a source of money since he doubt he could have a decent paying job- not with the face of a well-known noble. He also packed a medical kit to be sure.

He heard the door from the bathroom slightly open, revealing Taehyung wearing only a towel around his body. Since Taehyung is a sub-beta, he had to cover his chest aswell since it's considered as a private part. So Namjoon's jaw hit the floor when he saw Taehyung's beautiful thighs.

"Alpha? May I have the clothes you promised to offer me?" Taehyung asked, flushed and looking at the floor.

Namjoon snapped out of his trance and blushed.

"O-of course! Wait for a moment my Luna." Namjoon stuttered and looked through his wardrobe. While the alpha was busy searching for a decent piece of clothing he can lend the beta, he failed to see that the beta's eyes were set on the sack.

"My alpha, may I know what the contents of that sack is?" Taehyung asked, causing Namjoon to freeze.

"Ah nothing my beautiful Luna. It's a donation to the less fortunate." Namjoon smiled, putting on a façade when internally, he was cursing himself for being so rash. To top off the lie, he let out reassuring pheromones.

The beta nodded as he took the oversized blouse from Namjoon and wore it- not caring if the alpha saw his naked self for a few moments. Namjoon's face was beet-red but he shook it off as he kicked the sack under the bed.

"Now, how about we sleep my Luna?" Namjoon invited, laying on the bed. The beta said nothing and snuggled up against the alpha. Namjoon let out calming pheromones as he combed the beta's hair with his fingers. He then whistled a tune that he made himself- a tune that was so beautiful and raw, anyone would be immediately reminded of a cool summer night under a blanket of stars and surrounded by fireflies.

With the relaxing tune, the pleasurable feeling of his hair being combed, and the calming smell of cinnamon and wood, Taehyung was fast asleep. Namjoon continued to hum as he hug and kissed his cousin on the forehead goodbye.

"I hope you and Jungkook will end up together. I'll find my rightful mate somewhere. I just want you to be happy Taehyung. You deserve it." Namjoon whispered softly as he took a knife from the drawer and cut his arm. The alpha's blood slid off his arms and into the floor. He then squeezed his arm, ignoring the pain to get more blood out of it. He squeezed and squeezed until he stopped bleeding. Namjoon felt dizzy but he chose to endure it. He wanted his disappearance to have an alibi and this is so that everyone will suspect that he was murdered.
Namjoon took the knife and spread the blood vertically and made a long trail of it across the room. He actually lost a huge amount of blood. He then quickly cleaned his wound before bandaging it up. The alpha took his sack under the bed and went to Yoongi's room that's connected to his.

The one year old was fast asleep in his crib, as always. His brother is such a good kid since all he does is sleep, stare at the wall (or into the eyes of the person in front of him- judging them), and bang his wooden blocks against his crib loudly to let everyone know he's hungry or soiled the crib. Yoongi seemed to hate crying since he could be sometimes found red, lips shut tight, and squinting his already small eyes to prevent the tears from going out (which of course fails but let the baby be).

Namjoon packed all of Yoongi's clothes, which consists of white dresses and napkins, a few of his toys and blankets. After that, he swaddled his brother in a soft blanket to which the baby nuzzled into. Namjoon softly cooed.

While covering his brother's nose, Namjoon sprayed himself and Yoongi with Moonflower perfume and slowly snuck out into the hallway.a A few bodyguards passed but they look absolutely too tired to give a darn about small noises. While carrying a baby, Namjoon miraculously managed to go to pantry without a huge noise or accident.

The alpha set his brother on a table as he packed bread, wine, jam, and sweets as they last longer. He also filled a few empty wine bottles with water.
The weight on his back is quite heavier now but nothing he couldn't handle.

He carried Yoongi up who luckily didn't fall off the table and had a concussion. Namjoon managed to get out using the laundry room door which led to the west side of the manor, heading to the capital village. Namjoon found a large wagon that's full of barrels and boxes of dirty laundry. Probably his mother's or relatives from other lands. Namjoon placed the barrels down and dump the clothes out of a box. He made a comfortable small bed using the less dirty and smelly blankets from the pile as a mattress before covering it with Yoongi's clean and extra soft blanket.

Namjoon laid the baby down in the box and placed the heavy sack next to it so it wouldn't fall off. He was about to run to the stables which is west of the property but a servant saw him.

'What are they doing up this late? Anyway?!' Namjoon taught.

"AHHHH INTRUDER!" The servant woman yelled and dropped her candle on her foot from flailing around. The hem of her dress caught fire which made her yell bloody murder.

Namjoon groaned but took this as a chance to go- pulling the wagon with him with bare hands and going at a swift pace. He doesn't have time to go fetch a horse- he'll be found out immediately, especially with the servant still yelling and screaming. Cruel for Namjoon to think of this; but he doesn't care. He never liked that particular servant anyway- always bossing everyone about, thinking she's the Lord herself. She's lucky Shin-ae didn't caught her doing so.

By the time Namjoon took a break, his manor was far from sight, Yoongi was awake, standing in the box and staring at him in a judgemental way. The sky was starting to light up as well and the clock could be seen from a distance.

"Just a few more steps Yoon!" Namjoon smiled. He was covered in mud and dirt from the walking he has done the past hours. The Kim Manor is usually an hour ride by carriage to the town square but Namjoon took hours. He's quite exhausted. He put on a stable boy's hat to at least cover his eyes now that he's nearing town. He took a bite from a muffin and drank water from a flask.

Yoongi whined, banging the box. He's hungry. Namjoon paled.

"Just a few more moments. I'll ask the prince if he can breastfeed you when we meet okay?" Namjoon pleaded.

Yoongi yelled and banged his little fist against the box before puffing his cheeks out and crossing his arms.

"Just wait okay?" Namjoon smiled as he hid the food and continued down the road into the city.

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