Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter 18 Sneaking In Part 2
We made a stop at Arrow to switch trains and got home around two a.m. Although I stayed up even more talking to Gordie about meeting Bryan and Amy. To my surprise Gordie had covered for me saying I was at school finishing homework so I didn't get in trouble from my parents.

I slept in wonderful that Saturday and Chris was the one who woke me up. "Good morning beautiful." He brushed his face on my cheek. Slowly I opened my eyes. The first thing I could see was a dried blood cut on Chris's bottom lip. "Babe-" I whispered and then sat up. "It's nothing. I'm okay." Chris immediately spat out. "Was it because we got home late?" He nodded. "Knife?" "No broken beer bottle." "Well shit."

He began to give me the everything's fine don't worry speech. "You know what Chris no it's not." I interrupted his lecture. He was silent and looked down. Being pissed and dramatic I flung the covers off me and slammed the bathroom door closed. I put on jeans, a white tshirt, and a denim jacket. When I opened the door I walked out of my room and my house. Chris came after me but didn't make me stop.

I had a mission I wouldn't stop for him til it was completed. Running so hard I finally made it to the only trailer park we had in town. I swing the door open to Chris's house. He often talked about his dad's liquor cabinet. So when I walked in I knew what I was looking for. As I passed the tv I saw the cabinet from the floor to the ceiling. By this time Chris caught up with me but I think he knew how badly I needed to do this. Grabbing whatever bottle I saw first I began pouring them out until they were all empty. When I was done I was cussing and kicking at the bottles.

"Emily lets get outta here." Chris had come in but I didn't hear him. I nodded and we walked out hand in hand. He led me to the treehouse that the gang used to use a lot before Chris got arrested. There were tons of overgrown weeds but we manage to get inside. "Why?" I asked. "My mom had a great impact on all of us. When she died all of us went a little bizzar."

I just wished a tragedy would bring them closer together. But Mr. Chambers turned into the hateful father no one wants to have. As I sat with my head nudged in Chris's chest I began to process what I had just done. "He's going to be furious isn't he?" I said aloud. "Well probably. It's the cheapest rehab for him." Chris answered my thoughts. "You know I'd do whatever it takes to take care of you."

Chris nodded his head and whispered in my ear, "yes baby girl." We stayed in the childhood treehouse a while longer. It's funny how many years later we still use it for the same purpose, a hide out. That night Chris didn't come over. I worried about what was happening to him. Chris took the blame for pouring out the liquor. He told me his dad was in shock that someone would actually do such a thing. We both laughed at that part.

No one got beat up that night. Maybe this could be the turn in the road that makes the Chamber's a stronger family.

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