Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15 My Protection

I went out the back door and headed for the gazebo Chris was already there waiting. "Long time no see." He said. Chris leaned in and pecked my lips. I slightly smiled once he let go. "Em what's wrong?" "My family knew you stayed the night." I said without looking at him.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." Without me explaining what comments my family made Chris understood. He hugged me tight and we walked together to town for lunch. He took me to the diner and we ordered hamburgers. "Em I don't want you to worry about your parents. I don't have to stay over again you know? We could use the gazebo as our-" "Chris it's okay. Let them think what they want. We know the truth. That's the important thing." I said with a better smile than before. The waiter came with our burgers and asked if he could bring us anything. We told him no thanks and I said a blessing for our food before we ate.

"Why do you pray before you eat?" Chris asked. "To take time to thank God for giving us food." I paused as he took in my words. "Praying is just like talking. When someone brings you something you simply thank them." My illustration seemed to help. We soon finished the burgers and payed at the counter.

As we stepped onto the sidewalk Chris put his arm around my waist. I saw Jenny and her boyfriend, Alex walking and pointing at us. They both went to our school and everyone cooed over their relationship. "Chris do you ever wonder why people at school love certain couples together but hate us being together?" I said as I was thinking about it. "Honestly I don't think about it because they can love who they want just as I can love who I want." He answered. "Then how come it's like us against everyone at school?" "It sounds like this bothers you but just know that I care for you and my opinion should be the one that worries you." He said and then kissed my forehead.

"You're right it was just a thought." I told him. As we were walking we decided to go to the swing set before he walked me home.

On our way I felt someone grab my butt. "Chris did you-?" I looked at him and one hand was in his pocket, the other around my waist. He gave me a confused look and stopped walking.

He turned around in time to see Johnny reaching for my butt. "What the hell Johnny?!" Johnny didn't pull his hand back or pinch my butt. "What's the big deal lil brother?" Johnny smirked. "She's my girlfriend and she's off limits." Chris said sternly as he took his hand out of his pocket.

"If I want her then I'll get her." Johnny threatened. Chris slowly but tightly balled his hands into a fist. He hit Johnny's mouth right on. Johnny spit out some blood and I stepped further back. I thought it was odd that Johnny didn't swing back. Chris kept hitting him in the gut, head, and a few times in his throat.

I was grateful for Chris protecting me but enough was enough. "Stop! Quit it both of you!" I hollered. "You need to leave Emily alone okay?!" Chris said close to Johnny's face. Johnny started to walk away but he turned over his shoulder and said, "buddy I'll get my revenge."

When he was out of sight I said, "damn it Chris." "What?" "You pissed him off and he wants revenge for it." "I don't want anyone touching you like that. Especially my brother." I know he was only trying to protect me but what was Johnny going to do when Chris got home? "I know honey I'm just stressed as to what his next move will be." "Whatever it is, I'll fight for you." I kissed his lips knowing tonight was going to be tough. But that gave Chris a reason to stay the night again.

Chris did stay the night with me that night. My parents got used to trusting us. Even though we still considered it our secret. Chris never used the front door to come in he just continued climbing the tree to my room. Rumors spread around town but they always did since Chris got back. I finally got the strength to ignore what they said and Chris was always next to me being my protector.

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