Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17 I Found Him

Chris didn't break his promise. He told me about the things he loved about me constantly. It was another day at Castlerock when I asked Chris about his family. "My oldest brother Bryan graduated high school and moved out five years ago. That left Johnny and me." "Did Bryan act like Johnny does now?" His face looked relaxed and his voice showed it.

"No. Bryan taught me more than my father ever did. Bryan had this girlfriend, Amy, and he told me one night he was in love. I asked him how he knew. I've never forgotten his answer. He said, when she cares more about me as a person rather than just physical stuff I want to spend more and more time with her. That's how I know it's love."

"Have you talked with him recently?" I asked. "Not since he left. I, I don't even know where he lives anymore." Chris put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry about me babe. I've got my friends and you. It's all good." He told me.

That night when Chris was asleep in my bed I thought about how Bryan described love. Caring more about feelings. I would never want to hurt Chris. That gave more meaning when I would say I love you. As I was still awake I thought about what it would be like if Chris and Bryan saw each other again. Immediately I knew what could happen.

That Monday morning Chris left but told me he would see me at school. Little did he know that he wouldn't. At City Hall there is a record book of everyone's address in Castlerock and everyone's address in small towns near Castlerock. I hoped Bryan wasn't in another country and that his name would show up on one of the pages.

City Hall was locked up only on Monday mornings. That was my chance to read the record books. Since the books were not to be for the public. I got ready for school but will be heading to City Hall first. No one knew of my plan.

"Bye kids have a good day!" Mom hollered out the window as we were walking down the driveway. First we walked to the elementary school and dropped off Anna. Next we went to the junior high to drop off Megan. Gordie and I were walking to the high school, "Gordie you go on ahead. I forgot something." "Kay. Catch up with you later." He said.

I cautiously watched where I walked so I wouldn't get spotted. When I reached City Hall I pulled out a bobby pin. (My hidden talent is picking locks with bobby pins.) Once I was in I didn't turn on any lights, someone could see them from outside. When I got to the record books I did turn on a small lamp so I could read. "Chambers. Ch. Cha. Oh! Bryan Chambers!" I whispered excidedly.

He lived in a town called Windfield. A phone number was listed also. I wrote down both the address and the phone number. Then gently closed the record book and left City Hall.

When I arrived at school I was only twenty minutes late. Thankfully we had a sub in my first subject and was able to slip right in. Finally lunch came and Chris and I were in the line together. "I missed you." He looked over his shoulder at me. "Silly. You saw me this morning." I smiled and he shrugged adorably.

When I got home I yelled "I got dibs on the phone!" I dialed the number I found by Bryan's name. "Hello?" A woman's voice answered. "Hi uh is there a Bryan Chambers there?" I replied. "Yes can I ask who's calling?" I figured it was best to tell the truth. "I'm Emily DuChamp of Castlerock." I answered.

"Okay sweetie he'll be right there." It went silent the I heard "who Amy" in a mans voice. So Bryan and Amy were still together. "This is Bryan" the mans voice said. "My name is Emily and I'm good friends with Chris Chambers-" "Really?! How's he doing? Is he home? I heard about the murder." Bryan asked. "He's alright. He came back to Castlerock in August. Chris told me about how close you used to be."

"Yeah. Chris and Johnny used to really hate each other. I always sided with Chris. He was everything a brother could ask for." "I was calling to see if Chris and I could visit?" I asked. "Of Course! Amy and I would love for you both to come and talk." "How great. The thing is Chris doesn't know I called you." I confessed. "Well you could come over Friday and that would give you two time to talk."

We settled on Friday. I can tell Chris I called his brother for meeting without freaking him out right? Chris met me at the gazebo early Friday morning. "Why so early" he said in his sleepy voice. "I have made arrangements." I told him confidently. "Oooh like what kind of arrangements?" "To see your brother in Windfield." I bit my lip bracing myself for his reaction. "You figured out where Bryan is?" Chris said. I nodded and he hugged me telling me he loves me so much.

As I had organized we went in a train to Arrow then the rest of the way to Windfield. On the train ride I gave Chris the full story about how I found Bryan. The best part was telling him that Bryan and Amy were still together. He was so happy to hear that. I did feel a little guilty for going behind his back but seeing him smile so much made all the while.

We had to switch trains in Arrow and it turned out we were the only passengers on the train. Chris held me tightly in his arms the entire ride. Once we were in Windfield we walked to Bryan's house.

"Ready?" I asked as we stood on the other side of the front door. "You knock." My knuckles tapped in the door and Amy opened it. "Can I help you kids?" She asked. "Um this is Emily she talked with you on the phone and I'm Christopher Chambers. Is Bryan in ther?" At first he sounded nervous but he was smooth with his words and was getting excited.

Amy smile and led us into a cozy living room with matching furniture. Chris and I sat on the couch while Bryan sat in a chair across from us. "You're Emily? Nice to meet you." Bryan said and shook my hand. "Chris how are ya?" He looked Chris in the eyes. "I'm perfect now that I'm here." Chris answered smiling. "I'll give you guys some privacy you have a lot of catching up to do." I said and Amy agreed so we sat on the back porch together.

Hours went by quickly as I got some advice from Amy and Chris shared memories with Bryan. Amy put on a cup of tea and we sat in one group. We had to be at the train station at 10 and it was a quarter till. Bryan said he could drive us so we didn't have to walk. I gave Amy a hug and thanked her for the advice and tea.

Chris, Bryan, and I got into Bryan's white sports car. It only took five minutes to get to the train station by driving. I pulled the tickets out of my back pocket. Chris and Bryan had a long hug and I was so happy the got to see each other again. "Emily it was nice to meet you and I owe all my thanks to you." Bryan told me and I hugged him. We said our goodbyes and Chris and I went to our gate. As I got into the train Chris turned and waved to Bryan and tells me, "thank you for arranging this and being the best girlfriend ever."

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