Chapter Four

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Chapter Four Jump Then Swim

We didn't really have a destination, it was just a far as we could get from Castlerock. So we continued going straight. Walking along we can across a bridge. It was at least a hundred feet above the ground. The spaces in between each board was at least two inches. "Does anyone know when the next train is due?" Vern asked nervously.

Nobody knew so we just started on our way to the other side. Slowly we made it half way when we saw smoke. No, it wasn't smoke from a fire it was smoke from a train.

We ran faster than ever before. Chris made it across. Then Gordie. I was almost there. But my foot got caught in between two boards. "Gordie! Help! Help!!" I screamed so loud my throat hurt. Gordie began to come. But Chris put his hand across Gordie's chest. "I'll get her" he told Gordie. Chris sprinted over to me. The entire time he was running, I could tell he mouthed "it's gonna be okay."

He got my foot unstuck. Chris shouted, "jump into the water!" Gordie pushed Vern because he was hesitating. "On three." I said to Chris as we were at the edge. "One." "Two." "THREE." Chris shouted and we jumped. I let out a scream before I touched the water. The lake was not only cold but it was strong. As the water died down we began our swim to land. "At least we know when the train was due." Gordie said before he started a water fight with Vern.

"Uh thanks Chris for uh helping my uh urm foot back there." What's wrong with me?! I sounded like a moron. "Don't uh uh don't mention it." I couldn't tell if he was making fun of me of truly having trouble with words. Either way it was adorable.

Out of no where Chris bursts out laughing. I swish my head over so I'm looking at him. Turns out he was looking at me. "What?" "Look down." He answered. I looked down not knowing what to expect. But I knew what he was laughing at. I guess I was wearing to thin of a shirt because my black bra was showing.

I splashed Chris hard in the face with water. Gordie turned back because he thought we joined in on the water fight. But when he turned around he figured out why I'd splashed Chris. Gordie let out of of his crazy laughs that went a little like this, "EEE-EEE-EEE!"

Once we were in land Vern looked at me and said, "Whoa" and his eyes got big. Gordie acted like he was gonna punch Vern. Vern jerked back and as Gordie punched him on the shoulder he said, "two for flinching!" I wore Gordie's jacket until the sun dried my shirt out.

When it started getting late we found a dry place to sleep. Gordie started the fire as we unpacked our sleeping bags.

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