Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven Stick To The Tracks

The morning came and we got some breakfast. We rolled up our sleeping bags then started traveling again. Gordie and Vern took the lead, as usual. Chris and I walked a little behind them, but Chris and I didn't talk at all since the night before.

The entire trip we had been following train tracks. They seemed to go on forever. We came across some woods on the other side of the tracks. "Why don't we just cut across?" I said. "I don't know about this guys" as you can probably guess Vern said. "No it's a good idea. Don't you think Gordo?" Chris asked. "Definitely. We would save an hour or so by cutting through. If anyone was following is they would never think to go into the woods. I say let's do it!" Gordie answered.

Gordie, Chris, and I started running through the grass that led to the woods. "You comin' Vern?" I said without looking back. "No I think we should stick to the tracks."

We continued going toward the woods. We weren't worried about Vern. He wasn't the kind of person to go off on his own. "Hey guys wait for me!" Vern said shortly after he stated he wanted to stick to the tracks.

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