Chapter Three

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Chapter Three Junkyard

It was about one thirty in the afternoon when we came across a junkyard. We figured we would find shade there. By then the sun started to really shine.

As we found a tree blocking the sunlight we sat down. Gordie and I didn't make eye contact. Then he surprised me by speaking up. "Chris no hard feelings k?" Gordie said. "No way." That's how they fixed things up. Why couldn't girls be the same? Why did we have to behave, use manners, and be perfect? I feel like my true self with these guys. I know my mom is more laid back about being a perfect lady. But my teachers sure as hell are strict. I'm sure they will have a cow or a whole farm when they hear about what I did this summer.

Castlerock was a small town but that only meant everyone knew everything about you. In fact I'm sure they are making up rumors about Chris doing something to us. Or how I'm a slut running away with three guys. But at the moment I could care less.

Chris went to look for food while the rest of us stayed in the shade. Vern was out the second he sat down. That left Gordie and me. "Sorry I snapped at you." I looked up finally realizing he was talking to me. "I know you couldn't help it." "Yeah you know I get it from dad. So we all good now?" "Yeah" I said with a smile. "You and Chris, huh?" Gordie raised his eyebrows up and down. I have him a punch on the shoulder. But I knew I was getting red and couldn't keep this from him. "I knew you would like him!" "How?! Is it that noticeable?"

"No. It's just I saw him wink at you before we left. Chicks dig that kinda stuff." I rolled my eyes and then Chris came with the food. When Gordie saw Chris he did his eyebrow up, eyebrow down thing.

We didn't have to wake Vern. He smelt food and was wide awake. Chris got Nutter Butters and a four pack of Coke. After our refreshing break, we heard a dog. At the exact same time we all stood up and ran for the fence. Not only did the dog see us but the junkyard owner did too.

Chris and Gordie were the first ones to jump the fence. I began climbing and once I was at the top I froze. "Uhh I can't get down!" "JUMP!" Gordie said loudly. I had a terrified look on my face. "I'll catch you." Chris said with a trustful tone in his voice. I closed my eyes and said, "okay here I go." When I opened my eyes I was flat on my ass. Just kidding! I was safely in Chris's arms. He whispered so only I could hear, "see? You're safe."

Gordie probably wondered what he said because Gordie was glaring at Chris. When Chris saw it in the corner of his eye, is when he put me down. Not gonna lie I forgot how to stand for a quick second.

Poor Vern was still on the other side of the fence! Once he made it to the top Gordie have him the response he gave me, "JUMP!" Vern didn't think and he jumped while his foot was inside one of the diamonds. He did a very humiliating bellyflop.

About the time Vern fell was the time the junkyard owner caught up with us. "What are you kids doin here?" No one answered. "Humph" he looked back at his dog who wasn't much help. "Hey dogie, dogie, dogie! Come and get me!" Gordie yelled. That got the dogs attention and he came running towards the fence. "Kiss my ass dog!" Gordie said the turned around shaking his butt in front of the dog. "You stop teasing him!" The junkyard owner said. No one really heard him because we were laughing at Gordie. The dog let out a growl and bit Gordie. "Serves you right" said the owner. "What were you gonna do?"

"Call your fathers. Yea I know who you are. You are that car shop mans so ." He pointed to Vern. "And you. You're one of them Chambers kids." I could tell Chris had been called 'that Chambers kid' and didn't like it. "You two are the DuChamp twins. And your father is crazy protective. He never wants you outta his sight." "You call my dad crazy I'll kill you." Gordie said angrily. "He's crazier then a monkey on marijuana!!" "Argh! I'm gonna rip your head off and shit down your neck!" "You watch your mouth." "Why do you think he could bet the piss outta ya?" Chris replied with a smartalec tone. "Lets get out of here." I announced. As we walked away Gordie mumbled, "son of a bitch. No one goes off on my ol' man. Faggot."

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