Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven Home Sweet Home

"Officer Brown? Will you return these three back to Castle Rock?" The judge said when Chris was long gone. "Yes 'em." We got in the car and drove in silence.

Geordie continued to rub my back in the car. Officer Brown dropped us off at The Bridge. Right back where we started. We thanked him and got out. "I gotta go left to my house. Treehouse tomorrow?" Vern asked. "Verno I don't think so. It's gonna take some time to go in there without Chris." Gordie said. "Well alright but I gotta go tell my ma I'm still alive."

Gordie and gave each other the same look. Dad. He was gonna cook us in the stove! We went running to the right hollering, "bye Vern!" as he went left. We got to the country dirt roads to our two story house. On the top was five bedrooms but it was open. You went upstairs and you were in a balcony hallway with five doors going across. We saw Megan walking in the hall as we ran up the driveway.

When we came through the front door mom came to squeeze our cheeks and give us hugs. Then all the questions were asked. "Where were you? How did you go? Did you eat? Did you shower? How much sleep did you get?" Gordie and I explained everything to her. Then dad walked in from work.

"Do you two have any plans for the rest of the summer? Because you need to cancel them all! How could you do this to your mother and sisters? Especially to Megan who isn't the best person to have you cover." Dad bursted out loudly. "Jim they did it for their friend. Now you two go take a shower and I'll talk with your father." We bolted upstairs faster than a hunting cheetah.

We bumped into Megan on our way tour rooms. I gave her a hug, it felt like I hadn't seen her in months. "Em you smell bad go shower!" Megan said while plugging her nose with two fingers. "Good to see you too Meggy." I said. "What did you tell mom?" Gordie spoke up. "Told her you both went to the treehouse. When it got dark I said you probably just fell asleep. Two days later I ran out of things to say and dad got me to blurt it all out. He informed the Castle Rock Police and then we just waited." She answered.

Gordie and I went to our rooms and showered. I had just finished blow drying my hair when mom called us down for dinner. We all sat down in out normal spots and dad said grace for the food. "It's wonderful to have all the chairs filled again." Mom said. I gave mom a smile. Dad cleared his throat. "For three weeks you both have to stay inside unless your mother has an errand for you to do." That seemed fair. "Do I make myself clear?" Gordie and I nodded our heads in understanding.

For the next three weeks Gordie and I caught up on our sleep. Then we helped clean. I was starting to feel like I was on house arrest. Just when I thought I'd never get out of the house mom sent me to Harvey's, a small farmers market. You have no idea how good it felt to go downtown.

Although, when I got there I heard mummers and whispers. "She's the one that told that naughty boy to run away with her." It took me a little bit to realize Chris was the naughty boy and I was the girl. I kept walking but couldn't get those words outta my head. "Did you hear what she did with that Chambers boy?" A different lady said.

Finally I went into Harvey's tent. I found a good sized watermelon and brought it up for Harvey to weigh. "Good to see ya back in town kid. How's your brother?" "He's still upset about his best friend not being here." I answered. "Two oh eight is your total." I payed and he put the watermelon into a sack.

I didn't hear any more rumors on the way home. Wait. Why was something familiar about this? I let out a gasp. Chris told the guys to watch over me because there was gonna be rumors. When I got home I set the sack on the counter and ran straight into Gordie's room.

"Get outta here." He said when I opened the door.
"Gordie you know how I went to Harvey's?"
"Yea. Sure. Whatever." He was playing his video games.
"Listen to me it's about Chris!" Yup that got his attention.
"I heard some people talking and I understand what Chris meant at the court house."
"You mean about the rumors?"
"Yeah. Gordie people are saying pretty rough stuff about him-"
"And you?" I nodded. "Damn it. Look I know none of it is true, and you know it too. Here's what we can do you just ignore it-"
"I can't get the words out if my head damn it!" I said louder than I should've. "Not ladylike words Em." Mom said from her room.
"Okay then I'm gonna tell the people off." Gordie returned to me.

"No. You and I both know that would go bad."
"Then do we stay cooped up in the house?!"
"Until Chris gets back, yes."
Like I said we stayed inside unless it was church. Gordie and I started out freshman year at CRHS, Castle Rock High School. Upper classman gave me dirty looks. I knew they thought I was a slut. But then Johnny and his gang had to hit on me before winter break.

"Hey toots! Wanna get a ride home." Johnny said after school ended and I was at my locker. "Oh Johnny I don't think so." "Honey that wasn't a question." I looked up so my eyes met Johnny's. He could see the fear inside me and it made him smirk. "You'd mess around with Chris but not get in a car with Johnny? Damn girl you need to rethink." Some guy behind Johnny said. I slammed my locker shut. "Excuse me?" I said to whoever said I messed around with Chris. "You-" Johnny held up his hand and the guy stopped talking. "I know about you and my brother. Now what's wrong with me if you like him?"

I hadn't thought about Chris in months. I figured he would be pissed off with me for telling him to have hope. I just knew he would turn bitter and shut everyone out after being in prison for a year.

"Johnny I'm not answering that. I need to get home. Bye." "My cars out front toots." "She's not going with you Johnny." We all wondered who the mystery voice was. I turned and saw Mr. Mathews, the school janitor. He was the only school staff worker here. Mr. Mathews is kinda creepy looking. That's why Johnny and his gang left my locker. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders when they all left. As fast as I could, I ran home.

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