Namjoon: Confrontational?

Me: *laughing* Yeah.

Namjoon: Sometimes, you gotta rip the band aid off.

Me: Yeah...ugh. I really don't want to go. I love seeing you with your family.

Namjoon: *laughing* Oh yeah?

Me: Yeah. It's like you're glowing. And you and the boys have the cutest relationships ever. And you're such a good uncle.

Namjoon: The kids love you too.

Me: When you wore that Santa suit and ran around with them. It was so adorable. You'll be a great dad one day.

Namjoon: Let's...slow down on that one.

Me: I heard it when I said it. I'm sorry.

Namjoon: Don't worry about it.

Me: So you...really...not want to be a dad? Like, ever?

Namjoon: What? You want to be a mom now?

Me: No...not now. I was just wondering. I feel like it's something we should talk about since we're trying for endgame here.

Namjoon: ...I'm...I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap.

Me: And I didn't mean to pry.

Namjoon: We...can figure this out later. Let's just enjoy ourselves right now.

Me: Ok.

Namjoon: You're...not...pregnant right?

Me: *laughing* No. I'm not. Like I said, I just wanted to talk about it.

Namjoon: It's a little soon for me.

Me: I get it. I just want to know if it' the table.

Namjoon: I don't know if it is or isn't.

Me: Ok. I'll drop it.

Namjoon: We should go meet the others. Are you going to join us for the hot tub count down or do you want to go to the roller skating rink with the kids, my parents, Tammie and Mia?

Me: I'm going to be right where you are.

Namjoon: *smiling* Yeah? You have another bathing suit?

Me: Yeah. I got one when we were Christmas shopping.

Namjoon: What color is it?

Me: Pink.

Namjoon: Neon pink? Hot pink?

Me: *laughing* No. It's a regular pink one piece.

Namjoon: Polka dots?

Me: *laughing* No.

Namjoon: With a cut out?

Me: *laughing* Yes. One cut out. Are you happy?

Namjoon: One could say I'm content.

Me: Mhm. I bet.

Namjoon: Go change while I clean up?

Me: No, I'll help.

Namjoon: No. I want you to surprise me again.

Me: Ok~

Namjoon: Go get em.

At least, I took the glasses that we never actually used back inside to be wash and the champagne back in one of Mr. Kim's wine coolers. I changed into the bathing suit and met the group of adults out by the hot tub. I undid the knot in my cover up, kicked off my flip flops, and rested my feet in the warm water.

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