Heart Of Glass

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So Toni is a guy because it's my story and I can do what I want. Also the Blossoms and Coppers are not related.


I walk into my couches office. "Topaz!" He looks at me. "I was watching you play today and honestly I don't know if I can recommend you to any colleges after your injury. I can't risk you hurting yourself again." I look down. "I can do it." I say quietly. "I don't care you're my best player!" He says standing up. "That's why you need to recommend me!" I say trying to sound frustrated. "You just held from your dislocated shoulder. The couches will be here asking me what players to be looking out for in 3 weeks." He explain. "I can do it!" I say. "I'll see about that. Now get out of my office." He sits back down. I walk out and throw my helmet across the locker room. "Keep that attitude up and you're off the team!" I sit down and wait for coach to leave. I take a deep breath and go to the shower. I don't even wash myself I just cry until the water gets cold. I get out and dry off. I get change and go home. I walk into the house. "You're home late." Mom says from the living room. "Yeah. I had football and than I went to Pop's after Veronica needed someone to carry shit." I lie about the last part. "You ok?" She ask quietly. "Yeah. Just had a long day, I'm gonna go take a nap." She nods. "Ok." She smiles. I go up to my room and before I can slam the door my little sister Sarah comes in, she's 7 and adorable. "Hey." I smile a little. "Why do you look upset?" She ask quietly. "I'm not, I'm just tired. So get out." I whisper. She nods closing the door behind her. After I know she's gone I immediately start ripping my room apart in frustration. "Fuck!" I yell. I walk into my bathroom and punch the wall. "Ow!" I lean against it and sit down. I hear the door to my room open. "Toni..." I look up and see Cheryl. "How did you get in here?" I ask quietly. "You're mom let me in." She sits in front of me. "You know you're gonna have to clean your room." I nod. "What happened?" She ask quietly. "I might not go to college." I whisper. "You know you don't need to go to college." I stand up. "Cheryl, no one in my family has gone to college and if I don't get a scholarship, I can't go. Unlike you I don't have any money!" I tell her. "I need to go if I want to play football!" I say. "Toni you might not get drafted after college." She stands up. "It's all I have!" I yell. "Toni..." I sit back down. "I'm sorry." She nods. "I know." She grabs some bandages and grabs my hand. "This explains the whole in the wall." I look at the whole in the wall. "Cheryl, can I be honest?" I ask quietly. She nods. "You know I have a really hard time controlling my anger and emotions." I whisper. "What about it?" She ask. "I'm always scared that I'm gonna lose control and hit you." I confess. She stops. "Promise me that if I hit you or anything like that in a fit of anger, you leave me." She looks at me. "I'm not gonna do that." She rubs my cheek. "But I don't want you to be with someone who will hit you. That includes me." I whisper. "Toni, you're better than this. I've never seen you hit someone." She whispers. "Do you see the whole in the wall?" I ask quietly. "Yeah. But I don't think you're one to hit people." She tells me. "What if I try to like throw something at you or something?" I ask quietly. "Stop playing the 'what if' game. We'll cross that bridge if it happens. Which it won't." She whispers. My mom walks in. "What the hell happened in here?" She ask concerned. I look down as Cheryl explains what the hell happened. "I'm sorry mom." I whisper. "It's ok bud. Just clean up. I'll have your dad fix the wall. I don't think we can get the same tile on the wall but there won't loose wires." She says looking at the wall. "You ok?" Mom ask quietly. "I don't know." She nods. "Clean your room and we'll talk." I nod. "Also take a shower, I know you said you already took one but I know you didn't actually wash your body." She says before walking out.

"He loves you, Cheryl." I hear walking down the stares. "I know, but he's really worried about it. I can't get him to rap his head around that fact that it won't happen." I sit down on the stairs. I take a deep breath. Sarah comes downstairs and sits next to me. I look at her. "Hey sweetheart." I smile. She lies into me. "My friend Alex said that he has 2 dads." I look at her. "Ok. Why is this important?" I ask her. "Because some kids were making fun of him and I didn't know what to do." She whispers. "Well, tell him that it's perfectly ok and not to listen to the other kids." She nods. "Why were you guys talking about that anyways?" I ask confused. "Mother's day is coming up and we were making stuff for our mommies and he didn't make anything." I nod. "Ok. Speaking of you and I have to go out and get mommy some flowers and something nice and I need you to find out where she wants to go for dinner." I tell her. She smiles. "Ok!" I kiss the top of her head. "You're the best brother in the world." I smile. "Well, you're the best sister in the world." I whisper. I stand up and pick her up. "Your hair is wet." She whispers. "Yeah, I just got out of the shower." I say quietly. We go into the kitchen. "Toni how many times do I have to tell you to not fall for your sister wanting to be carried around everywhere?" Mom ask annoyed. "I picked her up. We both know I will carry her until I die." I say putting her in her seat at the dinner table. I look at Cheryl. "You staying for dinner?" She nods. I smile. "Where's dad?" I ask quietly. "At work, it's Tuesday he works late." I nod.

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