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"guys i do what i want, im punk rock"

michael and his three best mates were sitting around in his basement at 2:34 p.m. surrounded by four empty pizza boxes and of course many bottles of beer.

they did this all the time, friday nights to be exact, they attempted to play and record new songs but eventually gave up and called for pizza. but you couldn't eat pizza without beer... well that was michael's motto at least.

"dude all im saying is slow it down a bit with the punk rock attitude, at this rate you won't live past 20" luke replied to his very intoxicated friend.

luke was the youngest in the group but was the most mature... well when everyone else was drunk off their asses.

luke didn't like to drink mostly because his mom would scold him if he came home intoxicated, he never wanted his mother to be angry with him. he had only had one beer and that was not nearly enough to get him as drunk as the others.

"luke your not even close to my level of punk rockness" michael slurred pointing his bottle at luke "youre just a mommas boy, nothin punk rock there"

yes luke was upset, his feelings were very easily damaged, but he also was aware of how much alcohol michael had consumed.

"all im saying is dying you're hair multiple times is fine if you want to be punk rock" he told his colorful haired friend.
"even if it all falls out before you're 20" luke said under his breath.

"and the experimentalatalish process of messing with my sisters eye liner can count for another punk rocker point" calum slurred.

"are we really makin this argument to count out mikey's "punk rocker" points?" ashton asked.

"guys you don't get it" luke whined "what if he regrets it and isn't he doing this all too fast?" luke said.

everyone was just staring at him, they were too drunk to comprehend.

"nope it's what im gonna do, it my life lukey you can't tell me what to do" michael stood up on the table now making his speech.

"i shall be the mostest punk rockest friend you shall ever have in you're total life existence, i am punk rock and i will do this tomorrow, all in favor drink!" he finished his speech along with the beer in his hand.

obviously the others were to drunk to know what they were doing so everyone, except luke, drank.

luke had actually felt sorry for his friends as he watched them down the beers, they would regret it in the morning with massive hangovers. but he thought maybe michael was just drunk talking about his plans tonight and in the morning he would forget.

"it's settled then" michael said looking at all the boys "tomorrow's the day".

luke was staring michael down, calum started clapping like a seal, michael was smiling ear to ear, and ashton was singing "the sun will come out tomorrow... tomorrow... i don't know any other words but tomorrow" ashton was a strange drunk, one word could have him set off and thinking about something else.

still smiling michael said
"i'm getting my ears pierced tomorrow."


hello to my wonderful people... how was that?

who am I kidding that was probably terrible but what ever

I'm realllllyyyy excited for this book bc I'm Michael af I mean who isn't Michael af
(I don't think auto correct is... it's telling me Michael af isn't in the dictionary)

am I right or am I right?

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