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updating early because I'm going on vacation for a week starting tomorrow and I don't want to leave yall hanging.


ellas pov

" do you know if these come in a different sparkle color, because red sparkles was so last month?!" some obnoxious 12 year old asked me and like always i just ignored her.

i was back at work an right now and id rather be anywhere else.

i looked at the clock to only be disappointed that i still had 5 more hours of work as 5 more hours of stupid pre teen girls.

i was practically stuck here, sara was out and not answering any of my pleas to come and help a sister out.


michaels pov

"so we hung out all yesterday and im in heaven... like no joke."

i was hanging with the boys in my basement, yet again. we were pretty bored and didn't feel like playing so they sat there and strummed a few notes while i poured the entire contents of yesterday to them.

"so are you friends... with benefits?" luke snorted
"fuck off, you wish you had someone" i threw a pillow at him
"well what exactly are you" calum asked quietly as if i would curse him out too (never bc cake) "i think friends, just friends she said she wants to take it slow and ill take what i can."

ashton looked up at me smiling "what are you thinking" i asked with caution.
"what if you sweep her off her feet" ashton's hopeless romantic side coming out. i stared dumbfounded at ashton because im a terrible romantic guy.

"what if you persuade her into loving you" i was still confused but what else is new. "i meannn go surprise her at work... with food" ashton giggled

"wait that's actually a good idea" i acted surprised

"well i am the only one here that actually didn't drop out of high school." ashton told me with a cocky grin which i wanted to punch off his face.

"see you in a few." i grabbed my keys skipped away


ellas pov

"... for the last time i have no clue what would look good with your light up converse." i yelled in a little girls face.

i put my head down on the counter and felt a tap on my shoulder... i groaned, not another girl.

"um excuse me miss i really need help picking out a flower crown that would make me look punk rock" i could recognize that voice anywhere

"clifford!" i turned around and hung onto his neck "surprise" he laughed "and i come barring food" he held up a Panda Express bag and i squealed. "how'd you know?" i asked "pans express? it's my favorite too" michael beamed

it was nearing 7 pm which meant all the annoying children had probably left the mall by now. we sat down at the counter and ate out of the styrofoam boxes

"so then i was like girl please collect yourself it's just a gun, then i swear she peed her pants... no ones as macho as you when they get there ears pierced.

me and michael were sitting on the counter as i have him a run down of the whole day, and he sat there and listened.

we were blasting his music when my boss came in "what is the meaning of all of this?" suzan screamed

"hey don't worry me and my friend michael here were just eating some dinner and listening to music, it's only an hour until closing." i assured her

"well i don't want him here, understand?" i shook my head yes to try and slip away from suzan's wrath.

"well im sorry that was cut short" i said as michael was leaving. "honestly it's no biggie im just glad you enjoyed dinner" he laughed

"see you later ella" he nodded heading off

"see you around clifford."

that's when i realized... michaels not just a friend.


dun dun dun dahhhhhh

ok so i have something to say. this book is almost at 700 reads... wowowow but i would really appreciate it if you all started commenting and voting more, im not going to stop writing but I'd really like if this had more likes... so i doubt any of you read this but if you do thank you.

so as always vote and comment ily.

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