Appendix I: Glossary of Ace/Sexual Terms

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Please note: This is not an exhaustive list of terms, but I'll be adding more definitions as I write the novel. Not all of these terms are included in the story. Rather I've included them for educational purposes.

If you see an inadvertent error, please inform me right away so that I can fix it. Thank you!

ace (adj.) identifying as somewhere on the asexual spectrum

ace of clubs (n) ace slang referring to an asexual who identifies as gray-romantic and/or gray-asexual

ace of diamonds (n) ace slang referring to an asexual who identifies as demiromantic and/or demisexual

ace of hearts (n) ace slang referring to an asexual who identifies as alloromantic

ace of spades (n) ace slang referring to someone who identifies as both aromantic and asexual

Examples of Aspec Orientations

Please note: This is not an exhaustive list. There are endless variations. 

This list also applies to aspec (asexual and/or aromantic) orientations. Just replace 'sexual' with 'romantic' in each instance.

aceflux (adj) someone whose asexuality remains fluid

asexual (n/adj) someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction

autosexual (n/adj) someone sexually attracted to themselves

cupiosexual (n/adj) an asexual who still has the desire to engage in sexual behavior or to have a sexual relationship

demisexual (n/adj) an asexual who only experiences sexual attraction after building a close romantic or emotional bond with someone; contrast with fraysexual

fraysexual (n/adj) an asexual who can experience sexual attraction only with strangers; contrast with demisexual

graysexual/gray-asexual (n/adj) an asexual who experiences sexual attraction but not at the same level and/or frequency as an allosexual

lithrosexual (n/adj) an asexual whose sexual attraction fades once it is reciprocated; contrast with reciprosexual

placiosexual (n/adj) an asexual who can experience sexual attraction when performing sexual acts but may lose that same sexual attraction if/when the acts are reciprocated

reciprosexual (n/adj) an asexual who can experience sexual attraction only once it is reciprocated; contrast with lithrosexual

Ace Spectrum Sexual Preferences

sex-favorable/sex-positive: having positive feelings towards sex despite a lack of sexual attraction

sex-indifferent/sex-neutral: having neutral feelings towards sex despite a lack of sexual attraction

sex-repulsed/sex-averse: having an extreme disinterest in/being repulsed by sex in addition to a lack of sexual attraction

alloromantic (n/adj) a person who experiences romantic attraction or romantic desire in a clear, consistent, and frequent enough manner to have no relationship to the aromantic spectrum

allosexual (n/adj) a person who experiences sexual attraction or sexual desire in a clear, consistent, and frequent enough manner to have no relationship to the ace spectrum

aromantic (n/adj) a person who experiences little to no romantic attraction

asexual (n/adj) someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction

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