Part 2, Chapter 17- Duelling Club

Start from the beginning

George helps Fred back over to me. "Sorry ickle Freddie," I say when he approaches.

Fred puts his hand on my shoulder, "Don't even worry about it, Violet." He winces and puts his hand back on his ribs.

"Let's have a volunteer pair- Longbottom and Finch-Fletchley, how about you two?" Lockhart says gesturing to the two boys.

"Bad idea professor Lockhart." Snape glides over to Lockhart and stands beside him. "Longbottom causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending what's left of Finch-Fletchley up to the hospital wing in a matchbox."

Fred laughs but tries to cover it up with a cough. "How about Malfoy and Potter?"

"Oh god," I say under my breath, but of course, Lockhart thinks it's a fantastic idea. Draco and Harry step onto the makeshift stage.

Draco goes over to snape who whispers something into his ear. Harry goes over to Lockhart who does the same thing. Everyone else gathers on both sides of the tables to get a better look at what's about to happen. "This isn't going to end well I can sense it," I whisper to George. He gives me a one-armed hug and keeps his arm around me.

They walk towards each other and shake hands in the middle of the table, then they walk backwards a few steps.

"On my mark! Three... Two... One!" Lockhart shouts.

Draco points his wand at Harry, "Serpensortia!" Draco screams. A long, black snake shoots out of Dracos wand and lands heavily on the table. It moves closer to Harry and raises itself ready to strike. Some kids scream, the Slytherins clap enthusiastically.

"Don't move Potter." Snape says lazily, He pulls out his wand and points it at the snake, "I'll get rid of it."

Lockhart steps forward instead, "Let me!" He zaps the snake, doing nothing but anger it more. The snake, now losing interest in Harry, has turned its attention towards a hopeless Hufflepuff.

Suddenly, Harry steps forward, hissing at the snake.

"You've got to be bloody joking. Harry Potter is a Parslemouth?" Walter says quietly. We all watch in both horror and interest. Harry steps towards the snake, almost like he's daring it to attack.

"What is even going on?" Lee whispers. I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

The Hufflepuff steps back from the table in fear and rushes out of the hall. Snape steps forward, putting himself between the snake and Draco that I am very thankful for. He waves his wand and the snake disappears in a cloud of grey smoke. The room is so silent you can hear a pin drop.

Ron steps up and drags Harry off of the tables and out of the hall. Lockhart looks at us all. "Thank you for coming to our first meeting! It's not nine o'clock so please make your way back to your common rooms in time for curfew!" He waves his hands and the crowd disperses.

"Better be off then. I'll see you tomorrow." George says to me kissing me quickly.

"Let me know what you find out about what just happened please okay?" I say before he runs off with Fred and Lee.

"Course I will." He winks at me and together, the three run off. Leaving Walter and me alone together.

"Can I talk to you before we go back to the common room?" Walter asks me. I look at him and I can see something is seriously bothering him.

"Yeah, course you can. Let's go find an empty classroom so we can talk." We follow a bunch of students out of the hall and find an empty classroom to sneak into. I close the door behind us and he sits down at one of the desks.

"I'mgay." He says super fast.

I sit down beside him. "Sorry, I didn't catch that."

Walter takes a deep breath and I notice that he's shaking slightly. "I- I'm gay." He buries his head in his hands.

"Okay. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me."

Walter lifts his head up. "That's- that's it?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Yeah I mean. You're my friend and I support you no matter what you do." I shove him with my shoulder slightly, "or who you do for that matter."

Walter smiles, clearly relieved. "You're an idiot." Walter leans his head on my shoulder. "I'm so glad you're my friend you know that."

"I mean if we are all being open and things, I'm pretty sure I'm bisexual."

Walter takes his head off my shoulder and looks at me. "Just going to hop onto my coming out story are you?" He jokes.

"I hate you so much."

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