Kakuzu is counting his money, like usual, and Kisame is talking to Uchiha bastard. He isn't answering him, just listening to what fish stick is saying. That's also the norm. Tobi is skipping around the kitchen, that damn retard. Singing  about...well, I don't even know. That idiot does the stupidest things. I mean, he has the looks of a full grown man, but the mentality of a two year old.

Pain-Sama and Konan is nowhere to be found. I bet that they're screwing each other. It's what me and Hidan thinks, anyway.

Soon, the kitchen empties out. Hidan and Kakuzu head off to their mission, and Kisame goes to the lake. I'm pretty sure he's gonna swim with some fishes. All that's left in the room is me, a retard, and Uchiha bastard.

"Senpai!!" Cries out the Akatsuki's very own walking lollipop.

I look at him lazily. If you want to know the truth, I'm fervent to get to speak with anyone but Itachi.

That's what I'm hoping for. However, Tobi suddenly gets occupied by some damn butterfly that's managed to make its way into the base, and is now chasing it around foolishly.

The butterfly leaves the base. And Tobi does soon after.

Now it's just me and Uchiha bastard.

I know what's going to happen next.


Itachi has me undressed, biting any skin that he can reach, and really, that's everywhere. I bite back my moans, tasting the metallic tange of my blood. It seems like the pressure I was putting on my lips is enough to get me a small cut.

That's not what's concerning me though.

Itachi stares at my naked form, licking the bite marks he has littered across my body. This time, I do moan, especially when the bastard sucks on a spot on my neck that feels so good.

I hate this so much, but I have no choice in the matter.

Itachi is still fully dressed, whereas I'm showing off a display of nudity. The bastard seems to want to keep it that way for now.

He nears my ear, sucking my earlobe shamelessly.
"Hm, how come you're the only one getting pleasure out of this?" He murmurs softly in my ear.

'How the fuck am I supposed to know?' is what I think, but don't say, on account of being too flustered to speak.

I can practically feel the bastard's smirk against my cheek, and he's soon licking it. I shudder, my face long heated up by the foreplay.

Itachi smiles, and chuckles lowly. He brings one of his hands on my hips, while the other is busy fondling with his one of my nipples. His mouth then attaches to the other nub, and pretty quickly, both of them are hard and pink.

I moan as Itachi's tongue licks and sucks everywhere again. I wish my body will stop reacting to what he's doing-an erection is definitely what I don't want-but, still, it all continues.

After some time of just sucking, Itachi seems to get bored. He pulls down his pants, keeping his cloak on to cover his back and a little but of his chest. The weasel's own hard member comes out, and I know that it's enough with the foreplay...time to get on with what the bastard wants.

Itachi brings three fingers to my mouth, resting it against my lips expectantly. I look at them for a moment, before hesitantly taking them into my mouth. I suck on them slowly, coating as much saliva as possible into them; I don't want this experience to be painful.

Bastard pulls his fingers out of my mouth after some time, and begins to put one in my entrance. He circles the finger around the hole for a bit, as if teasing.

Yeah right. I'll never show the damn bastard that I'm enjoying this.

Itachi slides the finger inside, circling it in there as well, just as he had done on the outside. He adds a second finger, scissoring deep in me.

I groan, a blushing, pissed off mess.

Itachi smirks slightly, then brings in the final finger. All three fingers thrust inside, in and out, over and over again. Suddenly, I arch my back, a low moan escaping my mouth. The fucking bastard has hit that spot inside of me.

Itachi's smirk widens quite drastically, before ramming his fingers in the same spot.

I moan and moan, cursing me and Itachi to fucking hell.

I'm disgusted with myself when I realize that I'm  enjoying this pleasure. My lips turn upwards in a sneer of distaste.

Itachi doesn't notice, and continues to thrust those fingers again and again. A short while later, the fingers retreat. I'm empty once more. Not for long though.

Itachi positions himself, giving me a sloppy kiss, before going in.

I muffle my whimper with my hand, because it hurts at the moment. Itachi knows that, and he doesn't move. He just keeps his cock inside, waiting for me to get used to the feeling.

I buck my hips before I even know what I'm doing. Itachi smiles, and I just curse profusely.

The bastard moves in more, until he's soon all the way in. He pulls out, then thrust in again. This continues on, more speed being put into it every time.

He keeps on doing so, until he hits my sweet spot, like he had with his fingers. My back arches at the feeling, and a low moan leaves from my parted, bruised lips.

Itachi wraps my legs around his waist, then slams into the same spot, not stopping even once. I thrash my head from side to side, too disoriented to actually realize what a foolish move that is.

I look up at him, trying to see any emotion in those perfectly composed onyx orbs. Nothing. Nothing but lust, anyhow.

Itachi hits that spot brutally, again and again, and after what seems like forever, I cry out and come. Uchiha does the same, as soon as my walls close in on him.

He pulls out, giving a shaky sigh. I'm panting and sweating, and I'm sure Itachi will kick me out of his room. So I'm surprised when he doesn't, and pulls me close to his chest.

I don't even have the chance to ask what's going on, because Itachi has his eyes closed.

I sigh, and soon fall asleep as well.

There ya go. I'm on a roll, aren't I? So many chapters in just one month! I'm lit, ik. Pretty long chap too, eh?
I'm pwoud of mahself UwU
I'll try to update soon!

Sweet thingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora