Tricks, Treats, and Freaked Out Priests

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For the next two weeks, Lucifer stayed with Chloe while Lux was being repaired. Although, having the child underfoot tended to undermine his plans for sexy time with the Detective, he found he enjoyed living with them. It was rather nice, not having to go home to an empty penthouse for a change. Not to mention, anything that allowed more time with Chloe certainly had the devil's approval.

They were just wrapping up the paperwork on their latest case (Lucifer found the victim's moniker of 'Bob the Knob' utterly hilarious), when Chloe snapped her fingers in front of Lucifer's face to get his attention.

"I said," she repeated, "do you want to go trick-or-treating with us?".

Lucifer made a face. "Isn't that when all the sticky-fingered miscreants go out and peddle for sugary confections that leave them even more sticky fingered?". He shuddered at the thought of his Armani being that close to so many chocolate-laden urchins.

Chloe wondered, not for the first time, if her eyes were going to get stuck in the back of her head from constantly rolling them. "It's not that bad, Lucifer. Besides, Amenadiel is going" she told him.

Lucifer's eyebrows shot up into his hairline. "How on earth did you convince my dullard of a sibling to agree to that?".

"He thinks Trixie will make a good practice kid," Chloe sighed, "We've tried to tell him babies are a whole different ballgame, but he's too stubborn to listen". She didn't bother to mention that stubbornness was clearly a family trait that both siblings inherited.

"Very well," he sighed, "I suppose I shall accompany you on this venture, if for no other reason than to prevent the offspring from starvation when my brother literally bores the candy away".

"I appreciate the sacrifice, babe" Chloe snickered. His look of pride at thinking she was serious caused her to laugh even harder.

Later that evening, while Trixie and Chloe were getting ready, Amenadiel arrived in the living room wearing his full holy vestments, wings out, and a plastic halo.

"The dress and the wings I get, brother," Lucifer mused, "but what is with the bit on your head?".

Amenadiel sighed. "Apparently, Trixie didn't think I looked enough like an Angel unless I included a halo". He shot his brother a dirty look when the devil practically fell over laughing at him.

"LUCIFER! MENA!" Trixie shouted as she bounced down the stairs, followed by her mother. Trixie's costume looked like a cross between Maze and a TV zombie. Chloe was dressed as an angel, with a short, white dress and tiny, little wings.

Lucifer walked up to his girlfriend and pressed a gentle kiss onto her lips. "You look positively heavenly, "he said, "and for once I mean that in a good way".

They were about to head out the door when Trixie yelled, "Wait! Lucifer, where's your costume?".

He regarded her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm the Devil, child, I don't need a costume".

"But everyone is wearing a costume," Trixie pouted.

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