Showdown in Demon Town

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Chloe noticed two things when she came to: she had a blinding headache...and she wasn't able to move.

When the spots finally stopped dancing in her vision, she saw that her and Trixie had been tied up and placed in front of some church altar.

"Trix? Trix Honey can you hear me?"


Are you okay?"

"I think so," the girl said as she struggled against her bindings, "where are we?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure Lucifer will find us soon."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Chloe looked up to see William Kinley, or at least what used to be him, leering down at her.

"Father Kinley?"

"The good father no longer resides here, you can call me Dromos."

"I take it you're the demon he summoned."

"I am," He said before scrunching his borrowed face in anger, "and you must be the mortal bitch that has corrupted our Lord."

"Corrupted? What do you mean?"

"Lucifer should be down in Hell with us! Instead I find out he's abandoned his duties to play house with some filthy human and her equally filthy brat!"

"Hey! You can't talk to my mommy like that!"

"Oh and why not?" Dromos chuckled,"is your big bad devil Daddy gonna get me?"

Trixie glared at the demon but didn't say anything else. Chloe decided to keep the thing talking while she prayed to Lucifer in her head.

"Don't you think your Lord will be angry with you for taking us and come after you?"

"Oh I'm counting on it. You see, we demons have been slaving away running the infernal realm while that slob of an Angel has been up here playing with his toys, but not for much longer! Once he comes here, my army will destroy him and take the throne once and for all. God's little puppet will rule us no more!"

Chloe looked around the empty room confused.

"What army? I thought the ritual only summoned you?"

"Oh it did, but once a Lilim is topside they can summon their brethren anywhere there's damned souls," He said as he stepped back and threw his arms open in a wide gesture, hundreds of possessed humans filing in around him," and you'd be amazed at just how many damned souls live in a church congregation."


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