Chapter 8 New Adventure

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Kaiori's POV

"Kabuto!?" I shouted confused.

"We didn't ever hear back from you so Lord Orchimaru was worried and sent me out to find you."

"It's barely been 2 months..." I scoffed not thinking he would actually get that worried.

"Well I'm supposed to escort you to him so you can give a mission report in person." Kabuto said sighing knowing I'm a hand full.

"We're near the East hideout correct?" I asked glaring at Kabuto.

"No actually we got a new one South-East we're currently there." He said walking as I followed.
"So I'm guessing you became a Shinobi?" Kabuto asked pointing towards my headband.

"Yeah it sucks not being able to kill whoever I want." I replied coldly.

"Chunin exams are in a few weeks I'm going to be there." Kabuto said chucking.

"Hopefully my team gets to go, I think our Sensei has nominate us or something like that." I replied sighing.
"It's so much work being a Chunin though." I sighed once again.

"Have you seen Tsunade?" Kabuto asked putting a hand on my back.

"Not even heard of her yet.. She probably ran far away from Father so I doubt she's near the Leaf Village." I replied coldly looking at the ground.
"I'm glad I haven't found her yet." I said looking up and smirking as Kabuto looked sort of confused.

"It would just make this mission so much harder Kabuto." I said getting serious and looking at Kabuto.

"We're here." He said trying to change the topic.
"Okay that's good I was tired of walking." I laughed as we entered.
"This is more of hell then a base, damn..." I mumbled and Kabuto looked at me with the I heard that but I choose not to say anything look.

"Hello my child." I looked up from where my head was once down to see my Father I smiled inside and kept a striaght face on the outside.
"You're late on reports." He said staring at me as the internal smile faded.

"Hello, Father.. well I've been on a mission recently and it's quite difficult not just being able to destroy anything I like." I chuckled at the last part.

"Hm yes... Chunin exams are soon." He said reminding me of the extra work I have to do.

"Yes we have quite the plan for the exams." Kabuto said laughing.

"Yeah I would assume so, I mean you failed the exams what? 6 times?" I said trying to anger Kabuto for dragging me here.

"Well it's not like you know anything about the Chunin exams you haven't been once have you?" Kabuto said like he wanted me to kill him.

"Do you want a early death you bitch?" I smiled at Kabuto calmly.

"You-" Kabuto was cut off by Father.
"ENOUGH!" He yelled glaring at me and Kabuto with a death glare.

"Sorry Lord Orchimaru." Kabuto said bowing to my Father.
"Yeah whatever I don't regret threatening that fool." I said smirking.

"Father I need as much information as possible on these Chunin exams." I said looking at my Father then to Kabuto wondering if they will tell me.

"You might not even be going it all depends on if your Sensei recommends you." Kabuto said glaring at me.
"It doesn't matter I'll use Genjutsu and get my team in." I remarked sticking my tongue out at Kabuto.

"That is true we need you to do the Chunin exams." My Father said thinking of who knows what.
"Kabuto will tell you our plans." Father said while motioning to Kabuto.

"Okay!" I said while dragging the annoyed Kabuto to who knows where cause I sure don't.

"Where are you taking me?" Kabuto asked wondering when his suffering will end.
"Honestly. I don't know! I haven't been to this base before." I said while Kabuto pretty much died.

"Let's go to the planning room." Kabuto replied trying to get up from his state of death by being around a idiot like me.

"Sure!" I shouted as I walked in a random direction.
"It's that way." Kabuto sighed pointing to the opposite direction.

"I knew that!" I remarked.
"Whatever you say." Kabuto said already fed up with my never ending energy.

As we walked into the planning room I get serious and stopped joking around and being stupid.

"So what's the plan?" I asked Kabuto while he took a seat.

"Lord Orchimaru is going to pick a Genin for a future vessel of his." Kabuto said smirking.

"Father is switching bodies again?" I asked while sighing at this never ending body hunt.
"Not yet but he is soon." Kabuto said as he stopped smirking.

"Oh future preparations so that he has time to make this Genin trust him." I said while sighing once again.

"What part shall I play in this?" I asked bored of being left out.
"You'll be back up and we'll make sure you have different scrolls so you can take Lord Orchimaru's and complete the Chunin exams." Kabuto said I as was smirking finally getting a part in one of Father's plans.

"Finally I get a part in the plans." I say smirking at Kabuto.

Then Father walked into the room.

"Hello." I say looking towards the door.
"Kabuto have you told her the plans?" Father asked while taking a seat.

"Yes my Lord, I have told her everything she needs to know." Kabuto said looking at my Father.

"I don't have any particular intrest in my current mission from the Leaf so I might as welm stay here and train for a few days." I sighed slouching down in my seat.

"D ranked missions aren't enough for you?" Kabuto laughed at my low rank.

"We're on a C that should be an A, but Zabuza is trying to kill them and I have nothing against him since he taught me how to use swords and hand to hand combat so I'd rather not slaughter him." I smiled at Kabuto.

"Point taken." Kabuto said glaring into my stone cold eyes.

"Also one of my teammates is Sasuke the sole survivor of Itachi's massacre, his Sharingan hasn't awakened yet but it might with some force." I say chuckling while looking over to my Father.

"Interesting... Does he have potential?" My Father asked smirking.

"If he gets away from this damn Leaf and learns how to be merciless in fights then yeah but if he stays with the Leaf theres no way he'll be near as strong as Itachi." I said sighing at poor Itachi's life...

"Hm maybe he'll be my next vessel." My Father said laughing cruelly.

"Have you seen Tsunade yet?" Father asked as I was about to answer but everything went dark and I could no longer see Kabuto and my Father all I saw was darkness.

Anyways hope you enjoyed that Chapter the next chapter will be full of nice flashbacks to clear some shit up.

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