Chapter 5 Naruto's begging

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Kaiori's POV

Sasuke I'm at point B! Sasuke called in through the com. Sakura! I'm at point C. Sakura called in right after Sasuke.
Naruto I'm at point A! Naruto said late as usual.
You're slow Naruto! Kakashi Sensei called in.
Ivy I'm at point D. I called in just on time.
Okay squad seven hm?
TARGET HAS MOVED! Follow it! Kakashi yelled through the coms.
Over there! Naruto whisper yelled to us from behind a tree.
What's your distance from the target? Kakashi Sensei asked calling in.
5 meters I'm ready just give the signal. Naruto said impatiently.
I'm ready too.. Sasuke said right after Naruto. So am I! Sakura stated calmly.
Same here I sighed bored.
Now! Kakashi Sensei yelled.
We all jumped at the wild cat and Naruto grabbed it. I got em I got em!!Naruto screamed while the cat decided to claw his face off.
Can you clarify it has a ribbon on it's right ear? Kakashi Sensei asked.
Affirmative we got a positive I.D. Sasuke clarified for us.
Right! Lost pet Tora captured mission accomplished. Kakashi Sensei said proudly.
CAN'T WE GET A BETTER MISSION THEN THIS!? I HATE CATS! Naruto screamed into the com killing all of our ears.

We got back to the Hokage and this crazy bitch was suffocating her cat in hugs.
Crazy bitch..I mumbled and Kakashi Sensei heard then smacked the back of my head be nice he whispered.
Hahaha stupid cat! That kitty deserves to be squashed! Naruto laughed spiteful for being clawed.
No wonder she ran away... Sakura said worriedly.
Now then! For squad seven's next mission we have lots of available taks the Hokage started. And named countless dumb chores...
Noo! I wanna go on a real mission! Something challenging and exciting! Not this little kid stuff come on old man! Naruto shouted.
Kakashi Sensei sighed as did I.
I scoffed and his stupidity for challenging Naruto of all people.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? BABY SITTING IS NOT A MISSION IT'S JUST A STUPID- Naruto was cut off by Kakashi Sensei throwing him to the ground. Will you put a lid on it? Kakashi Sensei said fed up with Naruto's complaining.
Naruto! The hokage yelled.
It seems you do not understand the tasks you have been given listen many different kinds of requests come into our Village everyday.

And then Naruto started talking about ramen and I listened to him instead of listening to the old man.
SILENCE! The Hokage yelled at us bringing our attention off Naruto and onto him.
Oh sorry... Kakashi Sensei said rubbing the back of his head.
Argh you always lecture me like you're my grandfather or something! But I'm not the little brat who used to pull pranks all the time! I'm a ninja now! And I want a ninja mission! Naruto yelled trying to make a point.
Iruka and the Hokage laughed at Naruto's speech but not making fun of him they laughed proudly.

So be it. Since you are so determined I'm going to give you a C ranked mission, you'll be bodyguards for someone.
Really! Naruto jumped up from where he was once sitting.
Are we guarding a princess or some councilor!? Naruto yelled impatiently as always.
Don't be so impatient I will bring him in now. the Hokage said.
Send in our visitor! He said.

And there came through the door a alcoholic man.
What the- A bunch of snot nosed brats!?
He took a sip of Sake!
My eyes lit up with joy when I saw his Sake. As he took a swig of it I was about to steal it then Kakashi grabbed my arm right before I could grab it.
Aw man I sighed. I don't wanna know why you tried to steal his Sake but don't try again Kakashi Sensei hissed at me.
And you the the little one with the idiotic look on your face. You really expect me to believe your a ninja!? The drunk man said.
Naruto start laughing Ahahah who's the little one with the idiotic look on his face? Naruto looked at me and the others then realized it was him.
Kakashi held Naruto back his tried to attack the client.
You can't demolish the client Naruto Sensei said lazily.

I am Tazuna a master beidge builder and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change our world and I expect you to get me there safely even if it means giving up your life he said drunkly.
And then we started walking off.

As we were walking I stepped into a puddle. What the- It's more try than my mouth... I mumbled.
Hidden mist ninja... I thought to myself and kept my guard up waiting for the attack.

Then I saw the ninja emerge from the puddle and immediately jumped into the trees out of view.
And then they used sharp chains and thought they killed Kakashi Sensei and the other freaked out.
That idiot they might kill them I mumbled pissed off at Kakashi for playing games like that.
Now it's your turn the ninja turned to the others. And they were about to kill Naruto when I jumped from the tree and jabbed a kunai into the one with the chains throat.
And Sasuke jumped up and pinned their chains to a wall with a kunai and a shuriken.
Then kicked one in the face and tried to kick the other but fell soon realizing he was on the ground with a kunai in his throat. The one that is still mobile went for the bridge builder and I just stood there not caring about that asshole.
Sakura jumped in front of Tazuna and tried protecting him then Sasuke got in front of her protecting her but before he could hit any of them...
Kakashi's lazy ass showed up and grabbed the guy.
Sakura was happy Naruto was shocked and Sasuke was angered.

Hey your not hurt are ya? Scaredy cat? Sasuke asked.
And Naruto got mad.
Then I spaced out while Kakashi was talking to the drunk bridge builder.
Then I got wide eyed when I sae Naruto stab himself.
What the... I mumbled.
Naruto that was really cool and all how you took the poison out but uh if you loose anymore blood you're going to die. Kakashi Sensei said calmly while Naruto started sweating.
Then I wanted to laugh so badly when Sakura called Naruto a masochist but I held it in like always.
Kakashi looked serious looking at Naruto's wound. And I realized it had healed up fast.

On the boat
Kaiori's POV

The bridge isn't far now the driver said like he was ready to get rid of us.
I saw the bridge come into sight.
WOAH ITS HUGE! Naruto shouted.
Gaining a glare from me and a lecture from the driver.
Mr Tazuna... Before we reach the pier I need to ask you something. Kakashi spoke calmly.
The men who are after you I need to know why...
But before Sensei could answer I couldn't help but yell.....

Cause he is a drunk asshole gaining glares from everyone and a lecture about respecting clients from Kakashi Sensei.
I have no choice but to tell you... No. I want you to know the truth the bridge builder spoke up. Like you said this is beyond the orginal scope of the mission... the one who seeks my life is a very short man with a very long and deadly shadow. Tazuna said getting serious.
Deadly shadow? Kakashi questioned him.
Who is it? He asked.
You knoe him. Or have at least heard of him before he is one of wealthiest men in the world...
The shipping magnet Gato. He said even more serious now.
Huh? Gato... of Gato Transport!? He's a buisness leader everyone knows him. Kakashi Sensei said shocked.
Proving him wrong Naruto starting asking questions so I started to stare at the water and lost track of time.


I was laying in bed (age 4) trying to fall asleep but then I heard Mommy and Father yelling at each other again.
I immediately got to my feet and hide around the corner of the living room.
I'M ALSO GETTING THE HOKAGE! She punched a wall making the inner wall layer collapse.

Yes Tsunade Senju is my mother and Orochimaru is my Father how did it happen?
Lots of Sake and 2 drunk Sannin trying to be there for their child but when my mother found out about my father's research she left and almost took me but.
Father drugged her while she was talking to me and fled the village with me.
Then never came back...That was the last time I saw my mother...
9 years ago...

Flashback over

I didn't realize but I was crying and then Sakura put her hand on my shoulder which made me jump a littke but not enough to go into the water.
She said come on Ivy we have to go.
I wiped my tears and said Mkay...
And we got out.

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