Chapter 14

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My first and most prominent feeling once I came to?

I can't feel my arm.

I slowly open my eyes and adjust them to the brightness. In the corner, I saw Hunter sleeping peacefully. I was dreading looking at my arm so I looked at my left foot and saw a whole leg cast on it and groaned.

I groaned even louder when I saw a bandage around my other foot, probably from when I kicked the window out.

And then I saw the real stuff.

I shut my eyes and breathed deep breaths through my nose. I felt tears running down my face. I tried calming myself, but ended up making it much worse and I felt myself having a panic attack.

"Oh my God. Oh my God," I started to cry.

"Hey, hey, shhhh. You're alright. You'll be okay," I heard Hunter chant.

I started to relax a little bit and finally opened my eyes. I took a look back where my left arm is.

Or should I say was.

So many things were running through my mind right now. My mom was going to kill me, I might not be able to fight, everything is just going downhill.

"How am I gonna fight?" I whispered.

Hunter chuckled. "You've gotten kidnapped and lost your arm and you're wondering about fighting? You are dedicated."

I gave him a small smile and finally made eye contact. "Well I might as well face the hell that is about to become my life. Bring the police in and whatever."

Now I wish I could bore you with the details, honestly, but I can't necessarily remember them that well.

I was questioned by the police several times. They asked me to keep repeating the story over and over, asked me names (I could only give them Alex and Taylor, not knowing who the other men were) and the hospital did the same thing. Then my parents were called in.

"What in the actual fck is going on here?! I let you move out and you get your arm shot off?!" My mom raged as she entered the room.

"Mom I'm fine. It's not like I'm dead or anything."

Judging by the look on her face, I could tell it was time for me to shut up.

"You're coming home after this."

"The hell I will! Mom, mistakes happen. I'm 18. I'm a legal adult. I don't need to be putting my burdens on you. You don't know the half of what's going on."

"Are you listening to yourself?! You've been kidnapped and your arm has been amputated!"

"I'm aware of the state of my arm, thank you."

"Don't be a smartass with me right now little girl. You're in for a rude awakening. You'll be coming home after this."

"No, I won't! My new life is here, in Ann Arbor. My life has finally picked up and now you're going to take it away from me?"

She looked as if she was thinking things over. It was then when she noticed Hunter awkwardly sitting there.

"We'll talk later," she addressed and left the room.

Once she was safely gone I took a breath of relief.

"I have to retrain. Start all the way from the beginning. All that hard work, gone, just like my arm," I began to cry and didn't care if I looked weak. My arm was gone and I was weak. I wasn't as strong as I thought I was. "Maybe I should just give up all together."

"Excuse me?" Hunter questioned. "You did not get your arm chopped off, jumped off a building and about broke both your legs for nothing. Now you listen to me. You're a fighter. And you have to push through more now than ever. They'll come back, you know that right? They won't stop until you're dead, now that you know about them. So we have to kill them. But before we get ahead of ourselves, we need to learn how to move around this issue," he pointed at the vacant space where my arm should be.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to go back."


"I don't want to come back. My mom is right. I can't look after myself. When I'm discharged, I'm going home."

"The hell you are! I'm not going to sit back and watch you mope around because of one incident."

"An incident that included my arm being shot and cut off!"

"I get it! You're supposed to be upset but it doesn't mean you have to give up everything. In fact, you've got to work harder than you ever dreamed possible."

"Why do you care so much if I begin to fight again? If I begin to retrain?"

"You're the best fighter I've ever come across. I'm not going to let you throw everything away. I'm going to help you." I thought it over. What do I have left to loose? Another arm?

"Fine. I'll come back. But if I don't start feeling determined real soon, I'll leave faster than you can say goodbye."

"Deal. Just give us a chance to help you."


"The whole studio. We're a family and we help each other out. Speaking of which I believe you have some visitors," he smiled as wide as I've ever seen him smile.

I started to tear up when I saw all the guys, even Carl, come through the door with balloons and teddy bears and chocolates. They were all smiling and they began to surround me in stuff.

Sean, the guy first guy I met in that place, spoke up first.

"We're here to help you. We're going to do everything in our power to make sure you stay the biggest, baddest, fighter out there."

The tears were definitely running now. I laughed and gave them all my thanks.

We were all joking around, as if we were in the studio getting ready for Carl, that was until the nurse came in and kicked everyone out.

Apparently I was only supposed to have 2 visitors at once. Something to do with the risk of infection to my arm.

She told me I would be discharged in 3 days if everything went alright.

After 3 slow, agonizing, torturous days of being in the hospital, I was finally signing papers to get out of here. My mom and dad made a new rule that I had to call at least every other day and if I didn't, they were coming to take me home.

The doctor came in with a clipboard and gave me the run down.

"Alright, Miss Marx. You will have a cast on your left foot for 2 more weeks and you can walk around with your walking cast. Your right foot is all healed, but might still have bruising and or be sore. For the amputation of your left arm, you will have to take a special pill once everyday for a week. You'll come in in 2 weeks, get your cast removed, get a check up, and get the stitches removed from your arm. Any questions?"

"Will it hurt anything to continue on with my training?"

I saw Hunter roll his eyes and chuckle.

"That depends. Training for what?"


"Wait a minute. Marx? The Shelby Marx? (A/N- that icarly though)"

"Yes, why?"

"My daughter is a huge fan! She says that you're amazing. Do you mind if I get an autograph for her?"

My eyes were so wide, I could feel them bulging out. I mean I've been in local newspapers and news reports but I didn't know that people looked up to me.

Maybe this girl, this one girl I was signing a paper for, was all I needed for motivation.

She counted on me to keep going.

Hunter counted on me to keep going.

My family, Carl, the guys, they all counted on me.

And hell would freeze over before I let any of those people down.

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