Chapter 12

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"Just a final touch and... viola!" I spoke to myself as I finished off my outfit. I was wearing my purple dress and currently leaving, against my will, with Hunter for all the awards I'd be receiving.

We haven't spoke once since last night and frankly I was glad. I need to focus on more important things than him.

When we arrived at the theatre, I was awestruck. It was absolutely gorgeous and I was taken away by how enormous it was. There are 30 floors and we have the entire 16th theatre floor to us 500 people.

We had assigned seats and of course I had to sit next to dipshit. But on the other hand, I got to sit next to Alex Arendale. I had a huge smile on my face the entire time I talked to him, it was like I was in a trance.

To be fair, he seemed equally attracted so I felt pretty good about today.

We had sat there and talk about anything and everything. Where we came from, why we wanted to fight. His was pretty interesting and mysterious.

"I started fighting for the simple reason that I can never be defeated when doing what I do best."

"And what's that?"

He gave me a smirk and responded with "Oh, you'll see."

I was about to question him some more, but the awards had finally decided to begin.

First, they gave a medal to all who participated (which were just passed around in bowls).

After 3 hours of awards and what not, they finally got to the good stuff. Honestly, I never thought awards could take so long before in my life.

"Finally, the last award, the top 3 in the U.S." There was some clapping and a pause for dramatic effect. "Third goes to Shelby Marx of Michigan!" Cheering erupted and I slowly clumped my way to the stage. I accepted my huge trophy, plaque, and certificate.

"Second goes to Alexander Arendale of Michigan." More cheering.

"Finally, the U.S's top fighter is... Hunter Marshall of Michigan! Congratulations to all who have participated. Have a safe trip back home, and hope to see you back next year."

I was so angry, I couldn't even wait around for Hunter.

I would of been fine if I would of gotten 3rd. I mean that's outstanding. But I could of done better if it wasn't for Hunter! I could of taken 2nd or even 1st! He just had to be so selfish and break my leg to "protect me" from Alex. I scoffed to myself and took a taxi back to the hotel.

I was just finishing my packing, when Hunter arrived.

I didn't bother waiting for him, as I left for the airport. Honestly, I could care less what happens to the moron.


"Finally, home at last." I set my stuff down in my room and decided to make my way down to the studio where everyone was expecting me.

I could of been the one to bring back $100,000 for Carl. I could of been the one everyone cheered on.

Now that I think about it, I kind of sound like a spoiled brat. Maybe I'm being too hard on Hunter...

I'm beginning to sound like Amy and Taylor. Those two should be best friends, they both know how to back stab pretty well and complain.

I should stop complaining about it. I should be grateful I even made it to 3rd.

Although, I am pretty pissed that my leg is broke.

By time I was done with my internal conflict, I had arrived and entered the building. Everyone was cheering us on and picked us up on their shoulders screaming "MVP!"

I definitely shouldn't be complaining. I mean these guys are proud of me and that's really all that matters. They're like my family. Now I feel bad for being such a bitch to Hunter.

Hunter and I were laughing together, I felt so free. I felt happy.

"Hunter, I'm sorry I'm being so hard on you".

He smiled and responded with "Don't worry about it". His smile was so bright and he looked so proud and happy, like he had finally proven someone that he could do it.

That he could get 1st.

He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and for the first time I could see clearly.

I think I'm beginning to like Hunter.

Could that be why I've been so hard on him? Because he wasn't currently living up to my expectations?

I was starting to feel woozy...

I had no time to even dismiss what I had just thought because while we were so happy and playing around, an awful thing happened.

No one would of thought that something like this would of happened, but it did. Time seemed to freeze in place as the events began to unfold.

The lights went out and it was pitch black. I felt myself falling to the ground and I heard a gunshot and feeling an instant pain in my left arm.

Like I had been shot. I screamed on the top of my lungs and cried out in pain.

"Holy shit! I've been shot!" I was in shock, and I could feel myself becoming very dizzy and sleepy.

Someone has gassed the room to make people sleep. "H-help," I wheezed pathetically.

"Shh. You're mine and I won't let anyone take you from me," a familiar voice soothed.

"My arm hurts."

"I know."

"Will you help me-" I wasn't able to finish because that person proceeded to knock me out, effectively shutting me up.


Short and rushed but I wanted to end it there and finally get this chapter out. I just couldn't wait any longer.

Merry Christmas!! Hope you all have a great day!

PS, who do you think the shooter is?


Edited 6/10/15

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