Chapter 6

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I'M SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!! Me being the idiot I am, had the chapter written ready to post it...only to find out I didn't save it :( Hope I still have readers!

"Marx?! What's the matter with you?!" Carl asked after our 30 minute early session.

"It's just too early". The truth is I didn't touch/ talk/ acknowledge Hunter the whole time. In fact he's still making me go where ever we are going.

"Just don't let it happen again! We have a competition in one week from today. Unless you want me to replace you with Taylor, I suggest you shape up."

I sobered up immediately. "Yes sir." 

Since Hunter was driving, I kept walking.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked catching up to me.

"I'd rather walk home then go anywhere with you."

"Oh come on," he said dragging me to his truck. Even though I was pissed off at him, I will admit he had good taste in vehicles. He had a Chevy Silverado that was beautiful.

I sighed and jumped in. Since I was already dressed (Hunter told me what to wear before we left. My outfit consisted of converse shorts and an All Time Low shirt. I was rocking my sunglasses and high pony-tail), we drove south on a highway.

I blasted Sleeping With Sirens and fell back to relax 

Lie, liar you'll pay for your sins

So tell me how does it feel, how does it feel to be like you?

I think your mouth should be quiet, cuz it never tells the truth.

So tell me, so tell me why.

Why does it have to be this way? Why can't things ever change?

Soon enough, I feel asleep on a 2 hour journey.


"Hey wake up. We're 5 minutes away."

I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. The land looked familiar. Maybe somewhere I came when I was 12 or 13. Or sooner...

Then I saw it. I saw the big, tall rides soaring through the sky. Cedar Point! I looked at Hunter with excited eyes.

It was 9:00 AM, just when the place opened. 

"Are you kidding me? You call me a bitch in my own house and think this is how I'll forgive you?"

"Yes?" he asked unsure.

"I'll forgive you fully if you pay for everything. Games, food, you name it"

"Already was," he said smiling brightly with a wad of bills in his hand. He stuffed it in his pocket and got our tickets.

"Let's have some fun," he smirked


"Woo!" Everyone was screaming. We were currently on the Raptor, my favorite ride. We had been all the rides.

Except for one.

The Dragster.

"No Hunter. I have a friend that said never to go on it."

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"Amy," I whispered.

"Well she obviously lied to you before. Therefore, trust my judgment."

I eyed him suspiciously. "Like you've never betrayed me before?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

"Are you ever going to let that go? Or are you going to haunt me on it for the rest of my life?"

"I don't know. You still haven't bought me dinner."

"I told you I'd buy you whatever you wanted, after we rode the Dragster."

I thought about it. I'm starving and I'm ready to leave. And he said anything so I think I'll make him go to Olive Garden. They're open till 10:00 and it's 8:30...

"Fine, but we're going to Olive Garden."

All that big bully did was smirk.


"Never the hell again."

"Oh please. Like you didn't enjoy it," he rolled his eyes playfully and smiled. We had just got to his truck and I was breathless.

I honestly shouldn't feel like this. I mean I met him like 2 weeks ago. The way he walks, when the sun dances off his back and the way his eyes light up when I mention something he loves. His amazing, big blue eyes. His 6 ft tall figure... Is what most girls would say.

What would I say?

He's extremely playful but distant. Hot but obnoxious.

I don't do cheesy, cliche fan-girl moments in my mind.

Do I like him in more than a friend way?

As of now, hell no. All he's done is prove that he's an obnoxious, hot prick.

Although , I'm really liking the sound of Olive Garden.


Hello! So today I decided it was time I finished this crappy chapter

Have a wonderful day ladies and gents!

Edited 6/10/15

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