Chapter 13

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"What are we going to do with her now?"

"Just leave that up to me. For now I just want you to call all the guys and tell them the plan is in full swing. We're going to need all the help we can get."

I was trying to act asleep but my arm got the best of me.

I struggled against the ropes that were tying me down to a chair and looked around widely. I was in a warehouse.

Ha, typical. They couldn't even be creative with their kidnapping. I looked around for the perpetrators and was beyond stunned to see what I saw.

Taylor in a heated argument with Alex.

"Holy shit wanker mother trucker! Hey uhm sorry to interrupt you two, but do you mind if you could, oh, I don't know... Take care if my arm?! For God's sake, if you're gonna kidnap me at least give me something!"

And like the complete idiots they were, they just stared. Alex began to approach me. I squinted at him and observed him as he crouched in front of me.

"You have a shit-ton of explaining to do," I spat out.

"Oh, my love, I don't have to do anything. But I do believe you're doing something for me. I'm not going to tell you yet, but know this. We are at war. Whether you join my side or the losing side is up to you but no matter what, I promise you you will be mine. All mine," he trailed as he started to bite my neck.

I've been waiting for this moment since I've met this gorgeous man.

However, when you're kidnapped by said guy it's kinda a major turn off if you ask me.

He cut the ropes off very viciously and I finally realized how much danger I was in right now. He slammed me against the wall and I screamed out in pain from my arm.

He got even more excited and began to literally rip my shirt right off.

"Fck!" I gasped. I took my good and sturdy right arm and gave him the best punch I could throw.

It knocked him on his ass and disoriented him, effectively being my best punch I've ever thrown.

I kicked him in the temple, knocking him out and possibly killing him.

"Oh my God," I whispered.

I looked around and that's when I saw an army of men coming after me. I booked it the other way towards a giant staircase.

I silently thanked myself for running all those extra miles then quickly cursed Hunter for breaking my ankle that was slightly slowing me down. I soared up the flights and reached a huge window. I was about 3 stories high. I quickly thought through my actions.

If I jumped, I will of escaped them for a while possibly for good. But if I hit the water too hard I could seriously injure myself.

Well more than what I have at least.

What if it's too deep? It's dark, my guess is about midnight. What if there's something dangerous in the water. I looked back and saw them on my tail.

Well I don't really have another choice, do I?

I kicked the window with all my strength and thankfully it shattered under the force of 3 kicks. I screamed at the pain in my ankle. I'm pretty sure I felt some bones crack.

There was no time to react because they were right there.

I took a breath and dove straight down.


Am I dead?

That's when I felt the piercing cold water of what had to be one of our Great Lakes.

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