Chapter 1

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"Right! Left! Right! Left!" I was punching the punching bag as hard as I could.

What helps me hit my hardest is thinking about my least favorite person's face is what I'm punching. An old grudge if you will.

Taylor. She is the worst person you will ever stumble upon.

She's manipulative, decieving, a downright terrible person. She is like your average middle school/ high school whore. Judging on how we were 12, I look back and laugh at how pathetic we were. Do I regret my decision?


I hated her so much. Why, you ask? Because in 7th grade, I am now 19, she started a nasty rumour about me being a lesbian all because I told her newest victim Chase that she was just going to use him.

Petty, I know. But I mean we were 12. It seemed like the end of the world at the time.

The whole girl population avoided me and a lot of guys did too. After a while, I begged my parents to move. They eventually came to me with the best news I've ever heard. That my dad got a new job in Michigan. There were so many good things to go with "Hun, we're moving to Michigan."

One was that it was just in time for beginning High school.

Two, I get to move away from everyone.

Three, my dream college was there. U of M.

I still had a way to go before I was there but at the time, I loved the idea of it. Around the end of my Junior year, though, I decided college was not for me. I did not forsee a future in anything a college could offer me. 

I just wanted fighting. I lived for the thrill.

Back to Taylor. I put her in her place. Because of my dream that I've wanted since I was 3, I was taking 3 different fighting classes.

Let's just say that, for a 13-year-old, I was one tough cookie. She was sent to the hospital. So I got expelled on the last day of school but it didn't matter. I was moving across the country.

Taylor pressed charges against me but were soon after dropped for the fact that she could of equally of been fined for the crime of encouraging suicide. She had frequently told me to kill myself, but even at 13 I knew she was just ignorant.

Back to the present, I quit punching the bag when I was told to do so. This was my last practice here. I was going to head up to my new apartment with my best friend Amy. When we first met, she found me crying in the bathroom on my first day. I was homesick and had not made one friend that day. Ever since then, we've been the bestest of friends.

"Thanks for everything Jack." I said while picking my bag up.

"No, thank you Shelby."

I gave him one last wave, hopped in my car and drove off to my house to go pack the rest of my bags so I can move into my apartment.

"Hey, hun," My mom greeted me.

"Hey, momma."

I went to my room and looked around. I'm going to miss this place.

"So when you leave, I get pickings?" my sister asked with a smirk.

"You wish." I gathered my last things and got ready to head out.

"I'm going to call a lot, and I want visits. I love you," Mom said, almost in tears.

"Aww mom. I love you too."

I turned to my dad. "Behave yourself. And no boys," My dad said, half joking.

"Alright dad," I said with a laugh.

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