That Butler, A Spectator

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"!!" Chêne gasped, alarmed, as she woke with a start in the townhouse. What was that!?  Between sleeping and waking, just as the medicine Sebastian gave her  had started to wear off, she had caught a glimpse of something so  disturbing, her previous dream almost paled in comparison... but not  quite. If anything, this new dream had put everything into perspective,  the results of which were terribly clear... She jumped out of bed and ran  down the hall to Ciel's room. He was gone. Which meant Sebastian was  gone. Her dream was coming true...

"No... I can't let it end this way...!!"  she said determinedly, clenching her fists. She couldn't just stand by  and do nothing, knowing what was about to happen... "I have to stop them,  even if it's the last thing I ever do." Chêne jumped up onto her feet  and grabbed her coat, pulling it on as she flew through the house  towards the door.

"Hey, were are you going, Chêne?" Soma called as she rushed past him and Agni on her way out.

"It isn't safe for a lady to go out this late on her own!" Agni said, concerned.

"I  won't be on my own! I'm going to my husband and Ciel!" Chêne said,  slamming the door shut behind her before they could stop her.


Chêne  was halfway down the street when she realized she didn't have a clue  where she was going or how she was going to get there. What was she  supposed to do? Now that she thought about it, even if she did know  where she was going, how was she ever going to catch up with Ciel and  Sebastian in time...? Her eyes widened when she realized she could smell  blood and sensed a familiar sort of presence in the dark alley behind  her. If she was right, then this could be just what she needed! She spun  around and saw a blonde man in a suit calmly standing there right next  to a corpse, leaning against the handle of a motorized lawnmower. He had  his face buried in a book.

"Ah, man. Just when I thought I was  finished they send me this!" he exclaimed in dismay. "I can't believe I  still have to hit some baron's manor after this... Are they trying to work  me to death?" Chêne's eyes widened further. Those phosphorescent green  eyes... glasses... that modern gardening tool... Just as she suspected, he was definitely a Reaper!

"Hey, you!" Chêne called out, approaching the Reaper. "Are you talking about Baron Kelvin's manor?"

"What?" the Reaper said, taken aback. He seemed surprised to have been spotted. "You... How...?"

"Are you talking about Baron Kelvin's manor?" she repeated urgently.

"Who  are you that I should answer?" the Reaper asked dubiously, crossing his  arms, though he did wonder how she knew the it was Kelvin. Chêne  clenched her fists and decided to take a gamble.

"Do you know what a Code 42 is?"


{Baron Kelvin's Manor}

"We have been waiting for you... Earl Phantomhive," Joker greeted the young earl and his butler grimly.

"Joker..."  Ciel said, furrowing his brow. He might have known... It was clear by the  dark and sober look on the young man's face that all pretense of  innocence and friendship was gone.

"Please, come in," Joker said  politely, bowing, as he stepped aside to admit them into the manor, as  he had been instructed to. Once the earl and his butler were inside, and  Sebastian had shut the door behind them, Joker snapped his fingers.


Suddenly  all of the candles in the room, including the ones on the chandelier  above them flickered to life, illuminating the previously black room.

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