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liam and i have been non stop wrapping gifts for 3 and a half hours for maddie the boys and the girls. i stand up and crack my back as liam is wrapping his last gift for maddie. when were done we see gift boxes everywhere. we little by little put them under the christmas tree. after we head off to bed to get ready for our babys first christmas. /// NEXT MORNING/// " dada?... dada?" i moan and rub my face, it took me a moment to realise that maddie is in her crib. i look at the clock and its 10 in the morning. i hear a loud cry from the baby moniter. i sprint out of my bed and see my little girl crying with her dummy inbetween her lips making her cries alittle quieter. i pick her up and say " aww baby dont cry its christmas and santa came today and he left some gifts." i put my hand on her nappie and it was sokeing wet. i place her on the changing table and say " aww baby im so sorry its my fult for waking up to late, dada will get you all clean." i gave her a quick change, picked her up and placed her on my waist. she rested her head on my shoulder. when we got down we were greeted by a loud " MARRY CHRISTMAS!" she i looks up to see the boys and krysta surrounding us. she makes grabby hands towards niall. he smiles and takes her from me " cuddle wif pa" he smiles and says " alright babe we can cuddle but we have to eat and wait for your uncles to come." she nodds and we head over to the kitchen. i sit her back in her highchair and buckle her in. liam hands me a plate of pancakes and i pull up a chair and slowly begin to feed her. after she ate she got alittle more energy and she just drank her bottle while we all had our breakfast and talked about what was happening later on. all of a sudden i hear the doorbell ring. i get up and walk over to the door to see the boys and cat. we hug and all that jazz and walk in and harry is tickleing maddie in her highchair niall is trying to shoo harry away to give maddie the rest of her bottle and liam and zayn are cleaning up. i ask "hazza wheres krysta?" he looks up at me and says " upstairs she said she looked horrible." i playfully roll my eyes as i see niall in the backround takeing maddie from her highchair when harry turns back all he sees is an empty high chair, he just begins to pout. we all laugh and cat says " ill go up to say hi." liam and zayn wrap up and come to greet our friends. after alittle we walk into the living room to find niall giving maddie her bottle and the cuddles he promissed her. we all coo at the sight of both of the cutest people we know. niall just laughs as maddie hides her face in his chest. i grab the bottle from his hand and pick up maddie and hand it to her and she keeps drinking herself and i say " well i think its time to open some gifts. right bug?" she nodds while continues drinking her bottle. all of a sudden i hear a knock on the door " comming!" i yell as i hand maddie to zayn and awnser the door. when i opened the door i was shocked to see..


zayn set me on the ground and took the empty bottle from my hands and i waddled/ ran over to harry and he asked me " so you exited to open presents love?" I smile and nodd and he said " that big box is from your favorite daddy." i smile and say " bubba? " He looked at me with fake hurt and said " ill show you whos your favorite daddy ." i jumped up his lap and started to waddle / run as he chased me we ran around liam but all he did was yell to stop running before someone gets hurt. Finally harry caught me and started to tickle me. i would try to push his big hands away but he wouldn't stop, until zayn finally came to rescue me. he picks me up and places me on his hip and i say " i lite you bubba." and poked his nose. he smiled and kissed the top of my head and said " i love you to princess." i blush as he pinched my cheeks. when i look over at harry he sat on the couch pouting. zayn set me on the couch and I crawled onto harrys lap and said " i love my hazzy to." he smiled and gave me a hug and put my dummy in my mouth. Louis comes in followed by other footsteps. when i look over i see connor? " Hey baby look its your friend." my dummy falls out of my mouth and i say "connorw?" He walks over to me and smiles. he picks me up and sets me on his hip and says " hey maddie i missed you." i blush and say " i missed you to connorw." he sets me on the couch and sits next to me and zayn says " how about we go to the kitchen to get some tea and talk. they all agree and connors mom says " now watch her connor shes a baby so dont let her put anything in her mouth and dont let her do anything alone." he nodds as they walked into the kitchen. we look at eachother and he pinches my cheeks and says " aww dose the little one need anything." i playfully roll my eyes and say "youw a jerk." he smerks and says " but u love this jerk." i shake my head and say " nope." he laughes and says i got you a gift." he hands me this box i smile and thank him and say "i got you one to." I climb off the couch and grab a box from under the tree. he helps me back up and we count down "1..2..3" and we tear into the boxes. when i look in its a dummy that looked like a microphone from the back. i laugh and blush and he says " hey might as well have something your dad will be ok with." i smile and thank him and blush even harder. when he fully opened his box he smiled and pulled out this shirt i got for him in holister. we hugged and our eyes met, we were about to lean in to kiss untill i heard louis yell " OPENING GIFTS TIME!" while niall picked me up off the couch and sat me on louis lap. who was sitting indian style by the tree. while liam and harry recorded me opening my gifts.


we both started to lean into a kiss when we were interupted by the boys. i let out a sigh and watch as maddie was taken and set on her dads lap. we all sat around them as if she were a real baby. as if it were the first christmas. She clapped, giggled and sometimes even gurgled. she is one of the cutest babies iv seen but then again shes my age and shes the funniest coolest girls i know. I let out a small sigh as my mom plays peek a boo with maddie. Not to mention the 5sos group is soo cool and fun. as the sun started to set dinner was close to being finnished and maddie had come back from her nap acupple of minutes ago since she wanted to stay awake alittle longer. Krysta took maddie upstairs to get ready. so currently im sat alone on the couch. i feel a tap on my shoulder and i look over to see zayn.
im not sure what it is about him thats off. he just dosent give me a good feeling. i tapped his shoulder and asked " hey connor you wanna help me with setting up the table?" He shrugged and stood up and folllowed me to the big dining table. while we were working i asked him like his family and stuff. by the time we were done i still had a funny feeling about him. I let out a sigh and sucked it up, ' im not going to ruen my babys first christmas with us and her only friend.' when we walked back out everyone was watching the christmas specials and hanging out. i hear squeals coming from upstairs and krysta yell " dont run baby!" And maddie carefully makes her way down the stairs in a little red glittery dress and matching red shoes. i walked over to her when she was at the last few steps i picked her up and set her on my hip. she smiled and said " buba mawy christmas." i smiled and kissed her forhead and said " you to maddie." and i set her on the ground and she scurryed off to find connor. I laughed as she kinda waddled . //// SKIP TILL AFTER DINNER AND PARTYING HARD //// maddie was leaning on connor and he had is arm around her. She was half asleep since it was pretty late. i picked her up and walked into the kitchen to heat up her bottle, and craddled her. connors mom walked in with the dishes and asked " hey zayn where do i put these?" I smile and say "oh just set them on the table and ill put them away after i finish up with her." she smiled and said " oh i can give it to her while you put the dishes away." i smile and she sits down and i place maddie on her lap and hand connors mom the bottle. i started to put the plates away. " i havent done this since connor was a baby." i smile and say " yah im gunna probably miss these days when she grows older but for now shes our baby." she smiled and said " yup and they grow up so fast, i miss my baby connor and stuff." i nodd and keep putting the plates away. when maddie finnished her bottle connors mom placed her dummy between her lips. I picked maddie up and thanked connors mom and walked upstairs. louis was already in her nursery putting away some stuff. i placed her on the changing table and louis helped me change her into her doggy hoodie onsie and layed her in her crib. we turned on the baby monitor and kissed her goodnight. /// SKIP TILL EVERYONE IS LEAVING/// we said our goodbyes and now were going to spend New Years with connor and his family here in london. as soon as they left we all cleaned up alittle and went to bed.
___________________________hey guys im so sorry i havent updated alot has been happening but point is i was in the hospital for a while and i couldnt have my phone or computer or anything. And also that this is really bad i didnt have time to edit it and stuff and lol im super late on the christmas but hey it was worth a shot. TOMMOROWS HARRYS BIRTHDAY HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY HAZZA and what do you think is up with zayns funny feeling with the frantas? Lol but thanks for reading and ill try to update more 👍 but BYESS FOR NOW 😊

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