CH2 NO you cant.. I dont wanna

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I feel someone shaking me and when i open my eyes its sophia and she wasn't shaking me she was jumping on the bed. I just playfully roll my eyes and jump down from my bed. Sophia stops and gets off and says "today some one my dear child is going to get adopted.... and i have a feeling its going to be you." I just playfully roll my eyes. since there is someone coming today we have to look our best. I only have one pair of clothes and my Scooby Doo pj's and my black leggings and my red t-shirt and my really worn out red converse thats it for my wardrobe. I was trying my best to reach them but i couldn't sophia just chuckled and pulled out a bag and signaled me to sit next to her. When i did she handed me the bag and said " i had some extra cash and i got something for you?" I gasped and sophia burst out laughing when i pulled it out it was a pair of dark purple skinny jeans with some Scooby Doo sneakers and a Scooby Doo bow and shirt. She even got me a backpack of it. I flipped for about five minutes and pulled her into the biggest hug i have ever given. after she helps me get ready. We both walk out and to wear all the kids gather to meet them and the we go 'play ' and they watch us how we are. Sadly they called 12-13 i let out a sigh and took my place in line. The put the group biggest to smallest so i was at the end of the line. All of a sudden i see 5 guys walk in and miss Mackenzie goes threw the lines and name. when she got to me she said " this is little Maddison miller she is very quiet and prefers to be called Maddie " I cringe when ever i hear my name... it brings back bad memories. Then she continues " and she is also 13"


While we were driving to the orphanage we were talking about the child we want "All on favor of a girl raise your hand" 4 out of 5 ok? I asked ask another question " How old do you think she should be?" We all think and Liam says "around 12 or 13" i sigh and say " But i want to have a little girl.... my little girl." harry comes in and says "yah but i don't think we are even ready to have a kid let alone a little one." i sigh and agree. then Liam says " Ok if you want to we can get the smallest one there." I nod as we pull up to the sunshine state orphanage (there in florida and its the end of the T.M.H tour) when we. Get inside we see the girls and they were lined up biggest to smallest at the end there was a little girl that looked like she was 4. I wonder why she was in the line up... it makes me want a little girl soooo much more.when they finally got around to her the lady said " this is little Maddison miller she is very quiet and prefers to be called Maddie and she is also 13" the boys were shocked. Well me in the other hand i was mentally throwing a tiny rave party. I whisper to the boys " I want her" then the lady says " Well now you get to watch the girls be them." we nod as the all squeal and run off...well everyone but Maddie. i quietly follow her and as she is walking a girl around her age came up to her and began to yell at her" HA guess you didn't get chosen... again face it nobody will ever want such a hideous little thing like you" then she smacked her. I could stand it i stood in front of Maddie so the other girl couldn't hit her and the girl screamed and said "OH MY GOSH YOUR LOUIS TOMLINSON Im Britney i knew it your coming to take me right?" i laugh in her face and say " i wouldn't even dream... well maybe in my nightmare." she huffed and walked away. i just laughed and looked back but Maddison wasn't there. I looked at the boys and the shrugged.


When Maddie left for line up i really hope she gets adopted today. I open up my laptop and when onto the latest news on the web-o-net. When i opened the homepage it was a pictures of the boys...... IN MIAMI! i fangirled and clicked on more info. The next picture shocked me. It was in front of our orphanage and it was posted 10 minutes ago. After about 5 minutes of more researching Maddie runs out of breath and closes the door and ran up to hug me, she let out little sobs in my arms. I hugged her as tight to me as i could. She's like family to me. She slowly lifts her head from my chest and grabs my laptop thats in front of me and writes " there are guys here and one saved me from Britney but i think they wanna take me.... i don't wanna... i don't want to leave you." then she hugged me as tight as she could. I let out a sigh and hear a soft knock at the door. I don't think Maddie heard. the door opened and there stood Louis Tomlinson and harry styles. I lift Maddie's face a little so that she is looking at me... she looked broken. I let out a sigh and leave her on the bed and walk out with the boys and i explain to them " um hi boys my name is sophia but you can call me Soph and i know Maddie and she is a sweet little girl and she has had a bad past and when if you want her please don't regret your choice because she's at the point of breaking and thats all I'm saying" and louis says " i know i want her and I'm going to make a promise that I'm going to love her and fix her." I raised her eyebrow and nodded and said " give me a minute." He nods and backs up a little. I walk in and close the door and sit next to Maddie and say " Hey Maddie do you trust me?" without thinking she nods. i continue and say " If i tell you something is safe and will help you will you trust me?" when i asked that she was a little more hesitant but she nodded. I let out a sigh and say " If i tell you those boys are safe would you believe me ?" She shakes her head and i sigh and grab her new backpack i got her and grabbed her stuff and put it inside. I sit back down and say " What if you get to know the boys a little more would you trust me?" She hesitantly nods and i show her the boys videos. after about 10min of it i got her to at least approve of them being near her. I grab her bag and she grabs her box (inside is the mystery object) that her mom gave her and she placed it in her bag when we walked out i saw harry he was on his phone. I handed him her backpack and he gladly took it. we walked downstairs. The rest of the boys were there with big smiles. She just clings tighter to my jean pocket. I crouch to her size and say to her " Ok if anything this is my number... and remember I'm always here for you." she nods and hugs me, but this time doesn't let go. louis preys her off of me and she began to scream and kick him i blew her a kiss and they closed the door. I could still hear her screams.

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