CHP39 Outings

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I stepped out of the bath and look at the pull-up that Niall had left for me and sigh. when I finished he left to get himself ready. I finished getting dressed and stepped out of the bathroom. I walk over to my closet and grab socks and my white hightop converse and sit to put on my shoes. I see the door opening. " hey, you look so pretty little missy where are you going?" Liam says walking in closing the door behind him and sitting on the floor in front of me. " i out wit ni." He looks at me  " well I think Niall is ready, and while your out keep an eye on the lad for me eh." I smile and nod." Would you like me to help you with your hair love?" Liam asks me. I shrug and sit on the footrest of the rocking chair and he grabs hair tyes and a brush. " How about some simple buns for the day huh?" I nod as he begins to fix my hair.

Once he's done he helps me stand up and we make our way downstairs where I am met with a Niall putting on his shoes

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Once he's done he helps me stand up and we make our way downstairs where I am met with a Niall putting on his shoes. Niall and I say our goodbyes and to the van. Off to the shops


I park and help Maddie out of her seat. Once in the mall, we look around at all of the stores. "Ni yow leg?" I look down at my boot "Don't worry love I feel good and if it hurts ill just sit for a bit." I respond to her. "look wanna go in there?" I ask pointing to the bookshop. she smiles and nods as we make our way into the shop. I look down to see Maddison's eyes wide open, she looks up at me "Lead the way love." I say as she makes her way to the poetry I follow closely behind making sure she's ok. once she's in the lane she looks around " I'm going to sit here and watch you love, pick what you like then after we should pick out some stories for your bedtime yah." she nods and starts from the beginning of the area. 


Books had been an escape for me when I was growing up, I was always looking for books to read. I look at all the topics and titles, there are so many to pick from. In the end, I picked out 5 books. "someone likes to read huh?" Niall asked. I nod and watch Niall put his phone away which he had been on for the past 30 minutes while I walked up and down the lane looking for books. "come on love now lets go upstairs to see the other books" I nod and smile when we get to the second floor I see kids books and toys and miscellaneous things. I let Niall take the lead in this one, and little by little we picked out a few books and I picked 2 boxes of legos just to see if I liked them and a backpack to put them in. Finally, after being in the bookshop for a while we walked by some clothes stores, one caught my eye. It was the Disney store " Ni we go in pwease?" i asked. After spending a while in the direction household you watch a lot of Disney movies. He nods his head and we make our way into the Disney store. 


I watched Maddie look around curious yet still attached to me. "Its ok love go look around." w she walked over to the stuffed animals and looked through them. I'll grab a bag yeah?" she nods. "Ni wook" Maddie says holding up a Belle costume, shirt, outfit complete with a little jean jacket and pajamas. I let out a chuckle and open the bag. she scurries off to look at the rest of the store. I can tell she's starting to feel younger but not fully little yet. I feel like we should take a trip to Disney at some point, just to get away from the craziness. After paying we walked out with more bags then we should have. "Ni hungry?" Maddie asks me I nod and look over to the grill place " Want to go there?" she nods and carries the bags she has into the restaurant, once we sit down I ask "Maddie should we ask lou if he wants to join?" she looks up from coloring the kids menu and puts the crayon down " Love you know that your upset but you know lou would never leave you" she shrugs and nods. " you call dada." I smile and I pull out my phone. " Hey lou... yeah everything is fine... yeah.. we wanted to see if you wanted to meet up for lunch... alright well wait to order then.. see you in a bit yah" and with that, I hung up. " I'm proud of you baby." I say putting my hand on top of hers. "I big girl nini." she says with a pout. I let out a chuckle and nod knowing well she isn't very big. Finally after 15 minutes Louis walks in. " Hey mate, ello love." Louis says giving me a side hug and kisses maddies forehead and takes a seat next to her. " hows your leg nialler?" he asks. "Better all the carrying bags and walking helps." he smiles and looks down and sees all of the bags. " How are you feeling Maddie?" she shrugs  "what's wrong love?" she looks down at her lap and picks at her romper. "Love?" Louis asks putting his hand on her back


I rub my hand down her back and she leaps onto my lap and starts to cry. "Love tell dada what's wrong?" she sniffles "I scawed dada leave me." I pull her away from my chest. " Maddie, sweetheart is that what your dream was about last night." she nods "I saw bad peopwe and dey hurt me and I called fo you." I pull her back into my chest and rub her back " I will never leave you alone baby, those people will never touch you or anyone again I promise okay?" she sniffles and nods. I wipe the last of her tears and she rests her head on my chest. " hey after we eat would you wanna join us to the park?" Niall asks. I look down at Maddie who is nodding "Only if someone pushes me on the swings." Maddie giggles " I push dada." Niall and I laugh "sure love."


Maddies little space is in full swing and its the cutest. Louis helps me take her out of her car seat and grabs her diaper bag just in case and we make our way to the park in our community. " DADA PAPA LOOK!" she squeals looking at the empty park. "We see baby were going now, your being such a good girl waiting with me and dada." once we finally get into the park I sit down on the bench facing the play area. Maddie and Louis run to the swings then to the seasaw and started to ride the slide together. " Papa come wook i go down da slide all my mysewf." she says running up to me. i stand up leaving my crutches and her bag by the bench since it wasnt much of a walk. once i get to the end of the big slide Maddie made it to the top. " dada catch me otay." he smiles " i promise baby you can do it." she sits down and pushes a little and begins to squeal the whole way down the slide when she got to the bottom Louis caught her and she began to cry " ouchie papa." she says " Where does it hurt huh no need for tears." I say taking her from louis " hewe" she says pointing to the back of her legs. we make our way to our stuff and once I sat her on my lap I see the back of her legs red. "she must have burned herself sliding down the side." Louis says taking some lotion from her bag and rubbing it on the red areas. I pat her back trying to get her to calm down. I look into her bag and find her spare paci. I grab it out of her bag " look what I have for you baby." I say. She pulls her face out of my chest and I hold her paci to her lips. She gladly accepts it and leans her head on my shoulder. Louis checks the time " we should head home it's getting a little late and she missed her nap." that's probably got her all worked up on top of getting hurt. Louis grabs the bag and my crutches and I stand with a now asleep Maddie and we make our way to the car. I place her in her seat careful not to wake her and touch her little burns and buckle her in. " This little kid really does have us wrapped around her little finger doesn't she?" Louis asks me. i let out a chuckle " yeah he does."

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