Part 16- Getting Together.

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"Yeah, I heard there was going to be a party, but I didn't know that was  tonight. Didn't go through the bulletin properly I think"

"Oh alright...but it's settled right? We'll be having dinner then?" Rachel asks.

"Alright, whatever you guys want" Fai shuddered.

"Dont worry Boss, I already took care of your schedules, nothing planned for the early part of tomorrow, so you're permitted a couple drinks" she teased.

"While I don't plan on getting drunk on a business trip, I do appreciate your kindness Rachel, thank you"

"You're no fun" she muttered under her breath and Maldives chuckled at their antics.

Rachel's relationship with Fai was one Maldives admired a lot. Fai treated her like she was his sister; like she was a bigger version of Faura, but despite the familiarity between the both of them, Rachel always knew her boundaries and she was always cautious not to cross them.

"If there's a party, am I invited?" Thelabo asks suddenly, surprising them all.

"But the party isn't ours" Fai responded with a confused face. What the hell is this man trying to achieve???

"Yes, but it's a general party isn't it?"

"It is a general party, for the people lodging in the hotel" Rachel stated. Seems I'm not the only one who's got a problem with this hedgehog, Fai thought to himself.

"I see...maybe I could lodge for a night then...what do you think my dear Maldives?" he asked sheepishly as his face didn't conceal the lust his thoughts held.

"I—I don't know...I don't think—"she stuttered.

"Mr. Thelabo, I'm quite sure Houghton isn't the only hotel in all of Johannesburg" Fai interrupted.

"I know, but with the party..."

"With the party, you can attend if you want of course, but bring yourself a date, cause she already has one"

"I do?" she asks him while Rachel did nothing but watch the little drama play out.

'Yes, you do" he responds sternly, staring at her before leading her into the car. Rachel followed suit.

For minutes, no one spoke a word in the car, each to their own thoughts. Fai was still boiled over the lustful looks Thelabo gave Maldives. Who the hell does he think he is?! Looking at her that way...Piece of shit! I should have stuck my fists up his ass! No one should ever look at her that way! No one! It's not like I own her or's one should look at her, or anyone that's highly inappropriate! Yeah, except when you're the one doing it Bastard.

"Gosh, I'm so tired, my feet hurt!" Rachel lamented as they got down from the car. They were currently back at Houghtons, making their way through the hotel's entrance.

"Errr when exactly is this dinner party starting?" Maldives asked as she checked the time on her wristwatch.

"I heard it's supposed to start by 8pm and it's currently 6:22 pm, so don't worry, you have enough time to get yourself together" Rachel winked at her.

"You speak like I take the whole day to get dressed, it's not like it's my wedding tonight or something"

"But isn't it true that you're always late?" Fai asks, irritating her even further and she scoffed.

"I will prove you all wrong tonight, you just wait and see!" she scoffed as she made her way through them while they chuckled behind her.

"Hey, what was all that about?" Rachel whispered to Fai.

The Grey Patch (BWWM) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ